...ed adultery and murder, 说大卫起了贪心,才是神判断大卫犯下淫乱和杀人罪的原因。because
of covetousness he wasn’t content with what he had.因贪婪,大卫就不满足于他已有的。In
the same way, if we aren’t content with what we have, 如果我们不...
... God. 因为以弗所书5:5 说,因为你们确实地知道,无论是淫乱的,是污秽的,是有贪心的,在基督和神的国里都是无分的。有贪心的,就与拜偶像的一样。 The Greek word “Kleronomia” for inheritance means “an
inheritance; or p...
...怒气, bitterness苦毒, criticism挑剔, manipulation操纵, lust情欲淫乱, selfishness and rebellion自私和悖逆…which can cause us not to listen to God but to the self when temptation
comes这些可以让我们受试探时不听神的,而是听自己的. That’s why we need ...
...es is committing adultery in God’s eyes怀着情欲在上帝眼中跟淫乱一样。God is looking for a humble and
obedient attitude so that we can abide in His word神看重的是我们内心有谦卑顺服的态度,住在他的话里被他的话引导, not based on “I” &ldquo...
...呢?Pride?套在骄傲下?Judgement?论断下?Anger?愤怒下?Lust?淫乱下?Greed?贪婪下?Legalism?律法主义下? that I’m comfortable with? 套在我自己觉得舒服的轭下?我会得到什么呢?The wage of sin is death.罪的工价乃是死。And no one can escape ...
...毒、jealousy嫉妒、 trusting
in ourselves,信自己、 sexual sin, 淫乱、etc等等grieves
the Holy Spirit. 都会使圣灵担忧。 If you grieve the Holy Spirit, 若你叫圣灵担忧,you can’t have a good relationship with Him. 你就不能与圣灵有亲密的关系。Then you ...
惧怕、anger, 怒气、bitterness,
苦毒、lust, and etc. 情欲淫乱等。Let’s look at some common strongholds. 让我们来看看一些常见的坚固营垒。Rejection is a major one, 拒绝感是其中一个主要的根源,often rooted in lies like 常常植根于这样的...
or bitterness是苦毒,
or lust是淫乱
or whatever,还是其他的;
if we choose to follow Jesus to forgive若我们选择跟随耶稣去饶恕, love
and live by His truth, 爱和靠真理活着the
power of His forgiveness can truly break every chain of ...
...ins of immortality and
sued each other in front of unbelievers信徒犯了淫乱的罪,在非信徒面前去起诉,rather than trusted in God by being wronged themselves and waiting for
God’s judgement; 而不肯因信靠神哪怕自己吃亏,去等候神的审判;chapter 7-14,