Isaiah acknowledged the presence of God, he immediately prayed, 当以赛亚认出神的同在,他马上祷告说,“woe to me, I’m ruined. 祸哉!我灭亡了。For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean
lips. 因为我是嘴唇不洁的人,又住...
...I long to see the
day when Messiah’s Kingdom comes我渴望看到弥赛亚王国到来的那一天 。As Isaiah 11 says正如赛11章所说,the predators will
no longer prey吃肉的动物将不再捕食 but will eat straw like ox. 他们会像牛一样吃草 。Humans will no
longer be a...
...(v.26), and the living water. 耶稣向社会最底层的人启示他是弥赛亚,是生命的活水。Why did Jesus meet her at the well? 耶稣为什么要在井边遇见她?Our God is a God of purpose. 我们的上帝是一位有目的上帝,He does everything for a purpose. 他做任何事...
...nd create calamity (or disaster NIV,): I the LORD
do all these things. 以赛亚45:6下-7我是耶和华,在我以外没有别神。我造光,又造暗;我施平安,又降灾祸。造作这一切的是我-耶和华。Who
created all these things? The Lord Almighty God who is the Creator of...
...uo;他赦免你的一切罪孽,医治你的一切疾病。” Isaiah 赛33:24 No one
living in Zion will say, "I am ill"; and the sins of those who dwell
there will be forgiven. “城内居民必不说:‘我病了’,其中居住的百姓罪孽都赦免了。” All of ...
...的信心?In Isaiah 11:3,it tells us that when
the Messiah King comes,赛11:3告诉我们,当弥赛亚王来时,He will not judge by what he sees
with his eyes, or decide by what he hears with his ears. 祂行审判不凭眼见,断是非也不凭耳闻。In other words, 也就是说,when...
...ngel in heaven
became proud, and he fell and lost everything (see Isa 见 赛14:12-14).
路西弗-天上的天使长,因骄傲堕落阴间,一无所有。 b) Goliath – the Philistine giant who
proudly cursed God and Israel, but he was killed by a teenage boy David. 歌利亚-那个...
..., each of us has turned
to his own way各人偏行己路(Isaiah 53:6 ,赛53:6), we all hurt him, and betrayed him我们全都伤害他出卖他, but He keeps forgiving
us他却一直饶恕我们, taking us back from our own ways领我们离开自己的道路, showing His unending love to us向...
...都还没上呢。 When Isaiah
prophesied the coming Messiah (Christ), 以赛亚预言将要来的弥赛亚(基督)时, he said in Isa 11:3, that Christ would delight in the fear of the
Lord. (以赛亚11:3),他说基督以敬畏耶和华为乐。Because the fear of the Lord is the b...
2:2, 西2:2,1 Peter 4:10, 彼前4:10, Isa 49:6,赛49:6) We’ve entered the season of ‘Prayer and
Self-Denial” 2020. 我们已经进入了2020年的“祷告和舍己”主题期。Every year during this season, 每年在这个节期,Baptist