...ed the Pharisees who misunderstood God’s law, 主耶稣纠正了法利赛人对神律法的错误认识“The sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. 「安息日是为人设立的,人不是为安息日设立的。(Mark可 2:27)” The sabbath is made fo...
...f course, we can. 当然会。 The Pharisees felt offended, 法利赛人被冒犯跌倒了, because Jesus corrected them because they didn’t honour God with their thoughts within their hearts; 因耶稣指正他们,说他们心里的所想的没有尊重神; ...
...位天使吹号之后,comes the
reign of the Messiah Kingdom, 弥赛亚的国度就来到了,the “Tent
Peg” will come to replace the reign of the world on earth. 这“钉(橛)子”将取代地上世界的统治。
But you’ll
notice from...
... Amos
1:1) 如果你感兴趣的话,可以查阅一些经文,(赛
1: 1, 2:1, 13:1, 摩 1:1)Isa
1:1, the vision concerning Juda and Jerusalem that Isaiah son of Amoz saw
during the reigns of Uzziah, Jatham, Ahaz and Hezekiah, king of Judah. 赛1:1,当乌西雅,约坦,亚哈斯...
(Isa 2:1-5) (赛2:1-5)Christmas is coming! 圣诞节快到了!Today, we’ve entered the first week of Advent. 我们从今天开始迎接耶稣降临节的第一周。In
western tradition, 按照西方传统,Advent offers four weeks,耶稣降临节持续四周时间,for churches t...
(Isa 赛43:18-21)This is week three of Renew Together. 这周是“共同更新”的第三周,We’re looking at
the third appointed bible passage 我们一起来读这段指定经文Isa 赛43:19-21. We’ll start with verse 18. 我建议我们从18节开始。Isa 赛43:18-21, &...
...eny Jesus as the Messiah (the Christ). 但他们多数人不认耶稣是弥赛亚(就是基督)Why? 为什么? For the letter kills, but the
Spirit gives life. (2 Cor 3:6)(林后3:6)因为那字句是叫人死,精意是叫人活。 What does it mean? 是什么意思?In our natural mi...
...fulfil what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah 这是要应验先知 以赛亚 的话,说: “He took
up our infirmities, and carried our diseases他代替我们的软弱,
担当我们的疾病。” 1, Does Jesus care about our households
followed to challenge him everywhere he went所到之处都有法利赛人跟着来指责他. When Christ Jesus healed a paralytic当他治好一个瘫子, they thought that
Jesus was blaspheming他们说耶稣在亵渎神; when He cast out demons他赶出鬼来, they said that it was by the...
...七百年前, the Prophet Isaiah prayed in Isaiah 64:1, 先知以赛亚在赛64:1祷告说 Oh, that You would rend the heavens and come down! 愿你裂天而降。When King Uzziah died, 乌西雅王去世之后,the nation Israel went into spiritual darkness, 以色...