...的门徒来见耶稣,说, ‘Why do we and the Pharisees fast我们和法利赛人常常禁食, but your
disciples do not fast你的门徒倒不禁食,这是为什么呢?’” Jesus answered耶稣对他们说, ‘How can the guests
of the bridegroom mourn while he is with t...
..., 在圣经中,there
is a Pharisee who invited Jesus to dinner,有一个法利赛人邀请耶稣吃饭,couldn’t love Jesus much, 他没有那么爱耶稣,because
he didn’t see his own sins,因他没有看到自己的罪,but
passed judgement on the woman, 却判断那个女人...
...e way of holiness’ that the Pharisees displayed.这条圣路可不是法利赛人展现出的‘圣’路。They did
everything to be noticed by others, 他们做任何事都为让人看见,and loved
to show outward signs of holiness, 喜欢表现外在的“圣洁”, li...
...ist said
this to the Pharisees and Sadducees, 第9-12节,施洗约翰对法利赛人和撒都该人说: “Do you think
you call Abraham your father “不要以为有亚伯拉罕为你们的祖宗,so that you can
escape God’s judgment? 就可以逃脱审判。It’s impossi...
...d, “It is by the prince of demons that he
drives out demons.” 法利赛人却说:“他是靠着鬼王赶鬼。”(马太福音 9:27-34) Jesus cast out demons from a mute 耶稣把鬼从哑巴身上赶出去,and the mute spoke. 哑巴就说出话来。But Jesus was blaspheme...
a woman who was committing adultery and they brought her to Jesus文士和法利赛人带着一个行淫时被拿的妇人,来到耶稣跟前, for in the Law of Moses因照着摩西的律法, this woman ought
to have been stoned这样的妇人当用石头打死. Knowing their intentions to be ju...
like the pharisees. 没有谦卑圣洁成为假冒为善,就像那些法利赛人。Last week上周, my heart was
filled with sorrow,我心感到伤感,for I heard that
some Christians and even Christians leaders claimed that Christians and Muslims
served one God.因我听到基督徒甚...
...n giving their tithes, 甚至奉献十一, like the Pharisees did, 如同法利赛人所行的,but they resist the Holy Spirit from convicting them of ongoing
sin, 然而他们却抗拒圣灵光照他们的罪,so that they resist the transformative power of the gospel to
correct them and cha...
...ees around him,主耶稣不除掉出卖他的犹大,和身边反对他的法利赛人 yet he entrusted himself to the Father’s judgement and
lived out the truth by the Spirit.他靠着圣灵活出真理,交托自己给天父审判
But the spirit of Jezebel teaches God’s
people to ...
the Pharisees hadn’t believed Jesus was the Messiah,律法师和法利赛人不相信耶稣是弥赛亚, and they had been offended by what Jesus said (v.12).他们被耶稣的话冒犯了(12节)。 But this Canaanite woman came to
Jesus and laid her request before God, 但这个...