...p. 都有一个邪灵在那偶像后面叫你发怒。In the last days, 在末后的日子里,we see that people in church tend to be
‘nice’. 我们看到教会里的人倾向于“友善”。“I won’t correct you, “我不会指正你,I’m nice to your...
...了。” It says, in the last days, “many”, 它说,在末后的日子,有“许多”人,“many”
means not a small group but a large number of people of God will abandon love. 意味着不是一小群人,而是很多属神子民会离弃爱。Why? 为什...
...再会用世界上的东西喂养我们的灵魂。 In the last
days, 在末后,Jesus warned us that false Christs and false prophets would appear, 耶稣警戒我们,假基督和假先知会出现,and that even the elect would be deceived. (see Matthew 24:24)甚至选民也会被迷惑。(...
...是的,主耶稣, You are the Beginning and the
End.你是首先的,末后的 ,You’re our Heavenly Father,我们在天上的父,You are my Creator and my
Saviour. 你是我的创造主,我的救赎主。Praise the Lord, my
soul. 我的心啊,你要称颂耶和华。Don’t...
...软我的心,I desire You in
these last days, I need You…在这末后的日子我渴慕你,我需要你……Forgive me and renew me…求你赦免我,更新我……Now I take the
authority of the blood of Jesus to break the entanglement of laziness from
...sus上次我们分享了与耶稣建立亲密关系, in
these last days在末后的日子,
there are so many things that can trouble us有太大的事可以叫我们忧愁,
where is a saft place to go 哪里是我们的安居之所?The
answer is always Jesus 答案永远都是在耶稣里。So...
Lord, in these last days, we need You. 主啊,在末后的日子我们需要你。We need Your peace to rule in us, 我们需要你的平安掌管我们,and we desire to be the people of faith who
know (yada) their God, 我们渴望成为深深认识神、大有信心的...
...he last days
there will be great injustice on earth. 耶稣告诉我们,末后的日子地上将有极多的不公。The word injustice
means that we’re treated unfairly. 不公的意思是我们受到不公平的对待, Our rights are
violated. 我们的权力被冒犯。
For examp...
...;re invited to reign with Christ in the end, 不要以为我们被邀请在末后与基督一同作王,and so we just wait for it to happen by doing nothing.我们现在就可以坐等其成了。 No, 不是的。the promise of God came to David 神的应许临到大卫的同时,and brought...
...he last
days, the book of revelation tells us, 启示录告诉我们,在末后的日子,before God
gives us a new heaven and a new earth in chapter 21, 在21章所说新天新地到来之前,there will be the
Millennium reign of Christ on earth (see Re 20), 地上有基督的千年国度(...