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...ms that the Lord personally gave him也在读经和异梦中给他个人启示, he still repeatedly slept with lots of prostitutes他仍然和很多妓女上床. One day有一天, his wife phoned me他妻子打电话给我, said that her husband was out of his mind like a madman说丈夫疯了,...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:32:24  

...ive万物是藉着他有,我们也是藉着他有.  Re 4:11(启示录4:11下) For You created all things因为你创造了万物, and by Your will they were created and have their being并且万物是因你旨意被创造而有. In other words换言之, there is one God in he...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:33:30  

...圣徒活在地上。 According to Revelation 20:4-6, 根据启示录20:4-6, we see there’ll be two resurrections. 我们看到将会有两次复活。They’re separated by 1000 years. 两次复活相隔一千年。The first resurrection occurs before Jes...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:09:10  

...s how harbouring bitterness and unforgiveness can defile the heart, 这里启示了怀藏苦毒和不饶恕会污秽人心,give the enemy a foothold, 给仇敌留地步,and distort a person’s motives, 扭曲人动机,even in serving God. 甚至是在服事神事上。Simon, una...
发表于 2025-03-03 08:54:45  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:9%] [9%]2017-09-10 The Lord\'s prayer 主祷文 (1)
...,圣哉,(主神是)昔在、今在、以后永在全能者。(启示录4:8下) Re 1:5b-17  To Him who loves us When I saw Him, I fell at His feet as though dead.(启示录1:5下-17)祂爱我们, 我一看见,就仆倒在他脚前,像死了一样。Can you see here? 看见吗...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:28:55  

...发出恶念、苟合、偷盗. It reveals that sins start from within这启示我们,罪从内里生出, not from without不是从外面! Therefore, every Christian has a full-time job所以每个基督徒都有份全职工作, that is to guard our hearts就是保守自己心! Because Pro 4:2...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:31:40  

...里教会服事,有一个年轻女孩发高烧,我求问主,神就启示给我发烧原因,是不饶恕和邪灵攻击。And I heard the Lord say, “Tonight at 9pm the fever will leave. 我听见主说:“今晚九点烧会退。”that was before 5pm. 那时还没...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:37:17  

...ion to define my understanding of His will for today. 不能依赖昨天启示来定义我对神今天旨意认识。Actually, 实际上,being led by the Spirit of Truth is the most challenging part. 被真理灵引导是最具挑战性。We can be moved by the Spirit in worship, 在...
发表于 2024-11-24 21:38:48  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:9%] [9%]2018-09-23 Don’t Judge 不要论断人
...ed to reveal the intentions of her father to my heart圣灵就在我心中启示出她父亲为什么这样做原因, so I led her to say于是我带着她说, “Lord主啊, my dad is such a poor sinner我父亲是个可怜罪人, he is a non-believer他不信主, who is totally kept und...
发表于 2022-05-26 11:53:57  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:9%] [9%]2019-04-14 Entering Jerusalem 光荣进圣城
...年,you can learn this from the book of Revelation chapter 20. 你在《启示录》20章可以知道这事。This is what we should hope for and live for! 我们当盼望那日,并为此而活!Therefore, 因此,Jesus had to pause here on the Mount of Olives to proclaim that He was the King...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:38:59  
