(see Re 12:17,见 启示录12:17). And many hidden
things will be brought to the surface许多隐藏的事将要显露, people seem to think that troubles are increasing看上去好像麻烦事莫名其妙地增加. But it is just a sign to s...
...to trust in Him.借着愿意放下自己,信靠主。 In Re 14:13, (启示录 14:13 ) then I heard a voice from heaven say, “Write:
Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Yes,” says the Spirit,
“they will rest from their labor, for their deeds ...
in Him信靠祂, He will reveal His will to you祂必会将祂的旨意启示给你. We had lots of young people who
married in the home church我们家庭教会里很多年轻人进入婚姻, and there was not even one case when God didn’t reveal His will to them没有一例是没有神...
...ibulation. 和在大灾难期间的殉道者并忠心的圣徒Re 20:4b-5(启示录 20:4下-5)“And I saw the souls of those who had been
beheaded (martyrs) because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the
word of God. 我又看见……为 神之道被斩者的灵魂...
...hew’s gospel求神借着《马太福音》赐我们新鲜的认识和启示, so that each of us may grow in
faith让我们在信心里成长! After having taught His disciples
about the Beatitudes主把天国八福教给门徒, and having encouraged them to
be salt and light又鼓励他们...
...者一同作王一千年,as foretold in the book of revelation正如《启示录》
(19:6-8, 21:2) and the book of Zechariah和《撒迦利亚书》 (4:17)的预言. In Revelation
21:1-3(启21:1-3), 21 Then I saw
“a new heaven and a new earth,” 我又看见一个新天新...
...is kingdom 同享基督的得胜,并承受产业 (Re 17:14, 20:4-6,见 启示录17:14,20:4-6).How many of you know that there is a cost to follow Jesus? 你们当中有多少人真知道跟从耶稣要付代价? Jesus demands faith from us to follow Him! 耶稣跟我们要信心 去跟从他! We...
... children of God or
infants of God who just became Christians 这节经文启示我们,无论是神的婴孩或是吃奶的,that God has given them
a weapon to silence the enemy. 神都赐给他们一个武器,可以让仇敌哑口无言。So, don’t be afraid if
you encounter some spi...
...ng banquet关于婚宴, we can find the time line in the book of Revelation启示录里的时间顺序是这样. In Revelation 19第十九章, those who made themselves ready for the wedding appeared第一次出现预备好赴婚宴的人. 7, Let us rejoice and
be glad and give Him glory我们要...
...n to sonship in Eph
1:4-5, 在弗1:4-5,使徒保罗向我们启示了神呼召我们得儿子名分的奥秘, for
he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and
blameless in his sight. In love 5 he predestined us for adoption to sonship
(niv2011: to ...