...不讲道,Today, I won’t preach,和大家分享一些我自己的经历和见证,but will share with you some of my own experiences
and testimonies.圣经说,The Bible says,圣灵来是为耶稣作见证的,the Holy Spirit is here to witness for Jesus,我们也是为耶稣作...
...when He was preparing to begin his ministry. 40 天预表耶稣在开始他的服事前,在旷野受撒旦的试探。Lent is a time of repentance, fasting and preparation for the
Resurrection atEaster. In the early church, Lent was a time to prepare new
converts forbaptism. 大斋期是一段...
...fficult topic “love for our enemies”上周我们分享了最难的主题”爱仇敌”, which our Lord preached这是主所传讲的, we may not really
understand it我们可能不能真知道, until we apply it 直到我们实际应用它sharing in the suffering of Christ
...day we talked about the parable of the sower,上周日,我们讲了撒种的比寓, where Jesus sows the seed of the gospel into our hearts.耶稣撒好种就是福音的种子在我们心中。In the beginning,一开始, it is just a seed.它只是个种子。A seed doesn’t bear fruit,种...
...;Yes, Calvin and his family left CHCH for Guangzhou last Thursday night,是的,郭弟兄一家周四回国了,but they will come back for study next year但他们明年还要来读书。Then there will be another journey for them to
learn how to rely on God’s plan by denying the self and ...
God can help us focus on who He is and what He has done, which can deliver us
from self-centredness, and also help us to live in His victory. 感谢神!最近我们分享了一系列的“赞...
...我, “Are you a
woman你是不是女人? You have a
stony heart你的心是石头做的!” Thank God感谢主, the first time I repented to God当我第一次在神面前悔改, I didn’t know why I couldn’t stop crying
tears不知道为什么不停地流眼泪, He forgave m...
...g His sons and daughters into His family. 感谢主引导神儿女归入神的家。Baptism is the very first but crucial step. 洗礼,是归入神家的第一步,也是关键的一步。This is a step towards responding to
God, 这是回应神的一步,a step towards receiving His love, 是...
God and receive blessings.信心是我们进入神同在和领受祝福的唯一途径。 The deeper we develop in our faith, 信心根基越深,the better we will taste the fullness of God. 我们就越能品尝到神的丰满。In the four gospels, there’re only two people whom Jesus