God can help us focus on who He is and what He has done, which can deliver us
from self-centredness, and also help us to live in His victory. 感谢神!最近我们分享了一系列的“赞...
...我, “Are you a
woman你是不是女人? You have a
stony heart你的心是石头做的!” Thank God感谢主, the first time I repented to God当我第一次在神面前悔改, I didn’t know why I couldn’t stop crying
tears不知道为什么不停地流眼泪, He forgave m...
...g His sons and daughters into His family. 感谢主引导神儿女归入神的家。Baptism is the very first but crucial step. 洗礼,是归入神家的第一步,也是关键的一步。This is a step towards responding to
God, 这是回应神的一步,a step towards receiving His love, 是...
God and receive blessings.信心是我们进入神同在和领受祝福的唯一途径。 The deeper we develop in our faith, 信心根基越深,the better we will taste the fullness of God. 我们就越能品尝到神的丰满。In the four gospels, there’re only two people whom Jesus
...ash; 48) (太5:43-48)Last week we shared a message on上周我们分享的信息是 “do not resist an evil person不要与恶人作对, and don’t repay evil with evil不以恶报恶, but with good倒要以善报恶”. Because God will repay神必报应, and if we do this
we wil...
...ied on the cross to
break the curse of sins 主耶稣在十架上打破罪的咒诅and bring us into
His Kingdom of blessing.带我们进入祂国度的祝福。But why are so many
Christians still struggling? 但为什么还有那么多基督徒仍在困扰中?Struggling
with mental health, ...
...们就像这乞丐,adopted by our God into His Kingdom, 被神带入祂的王国,the King of kings our Lord Jesus, 主耶稣这万王之王,who is training us to be like Him in all things, 他正要借一切的事来训练我们像他一样,so that one day we may be qualified to reign with H...
...ar! 新年已经来到!A new year is supposed to bring
expectations! 新的一年有新的盼望!At the beginning of the new
year, 新年开始,what are your expectations for this year? 你有什么期待? What is God saying to you about this year? 新年神赐给你什么话?Every year duri...
... a
fever, 除了没有发烧,I had all the symptoms, 有所有的症状都经历了,sore muscles,
headache, sneezing, coughing, 肌肉酸痛,头痛,打喷嚏,咳嗽,which was a nightmare experience. 这简直就是噩梦般的经历。 But I
realised something...