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...rent from a slave, although he owns the whole estate. 我说那承受产业,虽然是全业主人,但为孩童时候,却与奴仆毫无分别,2 The heir is subject to guardians and trustees until the time set by his father. 2乃在师傅和管家手下,直等他父亲预定...
发表于 2022-11-13 16:03:29  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:1%] [1%]2020-02-09 Light to the World 世界
...1-9)  This year our church’s theme is on我们教会今年主题是 Matt 5: 14-16, “you are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither people light a lamp, and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:49:35  

...e bit about generational iniquity. 上周我们分享了一点点家族性罪. In the bible在圣经中,Daniel confessed his ancestors’ sins and his own in his prayer但以理在祷告中承认了他祖先罪和自己罪,and he acknowledged that the iniquities were passed down ...
发表于 2022-07-24 14:49:00  

... several Sundays. 前几个主日,我们一直在分享“生命成熟和儿子名分”。Now we know there’s a journey involved for us to reach full sonship,现在我们知道,为长成完全成熟神儿子身量,这...
发表于 2022-02-14 12:14:24  

... we looked at God’s Kingdom in the OT. 上次我们查看了旧约中神国度。God always intended to establish His kingdom on earth 神要在地上建立祂国度 through people made in His own image 藉着按祂形象造人, right from the beginning从起初开始。Have you eve...
发表于 2024-08-25 18:54:07  

...-Denial” 2020, 今天是2020年“祷告和舍己”主题期第二周,please continue to pray for our Tranzsend workers overseas, 请大家继续为海外浸信会同工祷告,for their needs and their work and that God would open doors for them. 求主为他们需要和...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:51:09  

...e’ve been on messages of mission for the last three weeks. 在过去三周里,我们一直在分享关于使命信息。Today, we’ll continue to look at Matthew 4, 今天,我们继续学习《马太福音》第四章,after Jesus had overcome temptation, 耶稣在胜过试...
发表于 2023-08-14 15:17:02  

...享了赞美神可以使仇敌闭口、让仇敌逃跑,因为何时耶稣名被举起,仇敌就要屈膝,神迹要发生,属灵气氛要改变——都因神同在大能!  Today we will continue our message on “praising God.” 1 Peter 2:4-5,9,今天,...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:26:44  

...ll who contributed and attended. 也谢谢所有参与服事和参加营会人。We had great fellowship time! 一个美好团契!What I wanna highlight is我想强调是,through reflecting on the two bible verses (John 17:21 and Acts 2:44) which talked about unity.借着查考两段...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:48:36  

...who were converted from other religions我遇到很多以前信其他宗教基督徒, interestingly有趣是, they all asked me the same question他们会问我相同问题, “Why doesn’t God listen to my prayers now为什么神现在不听我祷告了? When I just believed ...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:33:20  
