...been looking at spiritual warfare for a
while. 我们分享了一段时间的属灵争战。Why do we need to be aware of it? 为什么需要认识它?Because two kingdoms are in conflict. 因为有两个国度在交战,The battleground is in our hearts. 这战场就在我们的心里。In the ...
...平感”挣扎。Injustice happens everywhere. 我们身边不公平的事屡屡发生。Every day the news tells us something
about injustice. 每天的新闻会报道一些不公平的事件。Social injustice, 社会不公, racial injustice, 种族不公,personal injustice. 个人不公...
season of “Renew Together”, 我们正处于 "共同更新 "的主题期,which is the new name for “Prayer & Self
Denial”. 这是
浸信会"祷告与舍己"节期的新名。During this
Month, 在这个月,we’re going to
support what the NZ Baptist Mi...
... as you were taught, and
overflowing with thankfulness. 我们今年的主题是歌罗西书2:6-7, 你们既然接受了主基督耶稣,就当遵他而行,2:7 在他里面生根建造,信心坚固,正如你们所领的教训,感谢的心也更增长了。These words
are clearly...
...the Kingdom of God through baptism. 上周,有五个人受洗进入了神的国。Today, we’ll touch on Matthew chapter 3, 今天,我们要来看马太福音第3章,that Jesus was
baptised too. 耶稣也在那里受洗。We’re gonna look
at this chapter in three points. 我们将...
...something expensive at a half price? 要是你半价买了一个昂贵的东西,你感觉怎样? Happy. 高兴啊Last Monday上周, I was full of joy我很喜乐because God guided me to get an appliance 4 times cheaper than the one I tried to buy. 因为神引导我去买一个电...
...t God completely? 今天我们要来讲讲信心,哪种信心可以讨神的喜悦?成为基督徒后,对我们的信心最大的挑战是什么?什么东西会阻挡我们完全信靠神?Recently, I
have dealt with a case, and through it God answered my questions about why.
Because I ha...
... God’s Kingdom coming into this present time 上周我们分享了神的国在这世代来到,is to prepare and transform us and make us a
fruitful life, 是为了预备和更新我们成为结果子的生命,so that we may escape corruption and reflect the
character of Jesus progressive...
...s? 我们中有多少人热衷于尝试新事物?Like new food, 比如新的食物,new friends, 新朋友,or something new? 或者其他新的事?New things are good, but bring challenges as well. 新事物是好的,但同样会带来挑战。What if God says, 如果神说: “Behold, ...
...rent from a slave, although he owns the whole estate. 我说那承受产业的,虽然是全业的主人,但为孩童的时候,却与奴仆毫无分别,2 The heir is subject to guardians and trustees until the
time set by his father. 2乃在师傅和管家的手下,直等他父亲预定的...