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...以影响到你的情绪健康、精神健康、甚至你的身体健康,撒旦想利用谎言窃取我们的身份来摧毁我们。Who are you? "I am a businessman." "I am a leader." "I am a CEO." umm, “I don’t have a job’ “I’m a failure” “I’m a...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:26:44  

...果我们把自己交给谎言,and fall to the temptation of Satan, 在撒旦的试探中跌倒,we are slaves of lies. 我们就是罪的奴仆。Unless we repent by dying to the self and follow Christ’s way, 除非我们向己死,悔改跟从基督的道路,otherwise, we expose our...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:46:54  

...to set people free from lies and the oppression of Satan; 释放人脱离撒旦的谎言和压制,to heal the sick; 医治病人,and to proclaim the day of salvation. 宣告拯救的日子来到。Jesus didn’t just proclaim the mission statement, 耶稣不单只宣告他的使命宣言...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:48:31  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:70%] [70%]2018-01-28 The Beatitudes 6 天国八福之六
...il to blind God’s people in the last days我相信,这是在末后撒旦欺骗神子民的最大骗局. So if we want to overcome若我们要得胜, we must be purified from our hearts to our outward actions就必须从心里到外在要洁净! For instance就象这样, if we say to someb...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:31:40  

...。coz the image of dragon represents Satan (Re 启 12:9) 因为龙代表撒旦,They’re detestable things. 他们是可憎之物。 I have heaps of similar stories to share with you. 类似的见证我可以讲很多。If people keep their previous girlfriend or boyfriend’s gifts...
发表于 2024-06-20 16:10:29  

...y their sins and Satan in God’s kingdom而不是在神国里被罪和撒旦胜过的人.  Paul the apostle in the Spirit says使徒保罗被圣灵感动,说, “What I am saying is that as long as the heir is a child, he is no different from a slave, although he owns the whole est...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:29:55  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:69%] [69%]2021-02-21 Live by Faith 凭信而活(1)
...my is the old self, sin, Satan and his kingdom not people. 旧人,罪,撒旦撒旦的国度是我们的仇敌,不是人。To win them is to allow God’s manifold wisdom to be revealed through us who are willing to deny the self. 让神藉着我们否定自己显明祂百般智慧,...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:04:48  

... “get behind me Satan,” 借着主耶稣对彼得说“撒旦,退我后面去”,揭露了一个属灵的真实,就是撒旦借着人体贴肉体来工作。 wounds from a friend can be trusted. 朋友加的伤痕出于忠诚,That’s why King David say...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:47:02  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:69%] [69%]2017-07-23 the power of praise 赞美的大能
...urning incense and offer food to their idols to worship their false gods, 撒旦的子民向他们的偶像烧香、献供物,拜他们的假神,the dominion of darkness will come and control that place. 黑暗权势就会来掌控那地。But God has provided a powerful weapon for His childr...
发表于 2024-01-08 20:41:21  

...督徒, we turned to God and turned against Satan就转向神,背叛了撒旦. The battle exists whether we realized it or not不论我们能不能意识到,这场争战一直存在着. The bible tells us that our enemy is not flesh and blood but the devil圣经说,我们的仇敌不是属血...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:34:06  
