...夏娃悖逆不听神的话,and chose to listen to Satan, 却听了撒旦的话说who said “you will be like God.” “你会像神一样”, People no longer look to God, 人类从此就不再倚靠神,the Creator of all and the true source of all. ...
...免了债的仆人,没有怜悯、免欠自己债的人,被主人交给撒旦(掌刑的)受折磨。Then He said他就说, “This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother from your heart. Matt 太18:35你们各人若不从心里饶恕你的弟兄...
...sed by Satan to destroy the
covenant of marriage that God desires这会被撒旦利用,成为摧毁婚姻的毁灭性力量,这跟上帝期望相反。Do you know why?你知道为什么吗? Because the original word
“helper” for a woman to her husband is the Hebrew term 'ezer. ...
... 在现今的邪恶世代,Satan and sin reign over
the earth, 撒旦和罪在地上掌权,wild animals prey on and kill each another. 所有动物世界为捕食就互相残杀。My heart was breaking while I watched a documentary of the
animal kingdom, 但我在...