...ot looking for a mere outward
act of worship祂不看重仅仅外在的敬拜行为, like the Pharisees did就象法利赛人那样. No不, He is looking for
a right motive and attitude in our hearts祂寻找的是我们里面的正确的动机和态度. We thank Jesus for his sermon here我们在...
... bowed down before David and showed respect to him, 便急忙俯伏下拜表示敬意, then, she said this to David, 并对大卫说:“My lord, let the blame be on me alone. Please let your servant speak to you; hear what your servant has to say. Please pay no attention to th...
...唱赞美,称谢祂、以神为焦点、忧虑统统都抛在脑后。敬拜期间完全忘记手指这回事。The following day (29th May), the pain of the finger was completely
gone, And I was still practicing praising God according to the book of Psalms.5月29日,手指的疼痛完全的消...