...还是在梦中指正他在旧人里做事。 Praise the Lord, 感谢主,Psa 25:9 诗篇25:9,says, ‘the humble He guides in justice, and the humble He teaches His way. 他必按公平引领谦卑人,将他的道教训他们。” When we humble ourselves before
God, 当...
so that you feel shame and guilt about yourself; 让你觉得有羞愧感和负罪感;he
accuses others, 他控告别人,so that you may not forgive others.
He will continue to do his destructive work他会持续做拆毁的工作,before
being bound for a t...
...is faith and called him a man with great faith! 但今天,你可能会大感惊讶,因为耶稣说到一位罗马百夫长,高度评价他的信心,并称他是一个大有信心的人!Do you want to
be a man who has great faith in Jesus’ eyes?你想成为主耶稣眼里大有信心...
...king by the Spirit of God says, ‘Jesus
be cursed,’被神的灵感动的,没有说耶稣是可咒诅的, and no one can say, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ except by the Holy Spirit若不是被圣灵感动的,也没有能说耶稣是主的. This verse tells us这节经文说, that wh...
to make us feel comfortable, 不是让我们感到舒服,or for other
earthly pleasures. 也不是为属地的愉悦。Jesus, full
of the Holy Spirit, was led by the Spirit into the desert, for what? 耶稣被圣灵充满,圣灵将他引到旷野,为了什么?T...
...享了“神用油膏了我的头”不是要让“我”感觉舒服, while I’m still living my old life. 却仍然住在旧人里。 No, 不,it’s for ‘me’ to overcome my enemies, 那是为我们胜过仇敌, my old ways of thin...
...self法利赛人向自己祷告这些话, “God神啊, I thank you 我感谢你that I am not like other people, robbers, unjust,
adulterers or even like this tax collector我不像其他人那样:勒索、不义、通奸,也不像这个税吏. I fast twice a week我一周禁食两次; I pa...
before Christ was born, 谁可以 100%预测未来呢?只有神。你若感兴趣,就可以上网查,在主前,一千多年前,或几百年前,就已经在旧约里,记载了 44 个关于弥赛亚要来的预言 。That have been fulfilled by
Jesus Christ accurately. That’s why...
... 就是选择与亚当联系,and reject Christ, I’ll
reject love. 拒绝基督,就拒绝了爱。Then, I need to
repent. 我需要悔改。So first of all, a
blaming mindset hinders love. 首先,怪责他人的心态会阻挡爱。Then, embracing
feelings of fear and shame hinders lo...
..., Yielding to insecurities rejects Jesus as
King. 顺服不安全感就是拒绝耶稣为王v.3, Why was Herod Disturbed? 希律王为什么心烦意乱?Herod was called the Great and in power, 希律王被称为大君,当时在位,and he was well known for his building
projects throughout Jud...