...“he looks down on me…he rejects me…他看不起我,拒绝我...because I’m a poor blind man 因为我是个可怜的盲人,so he despises me…所以他鄙视我...”
The feeling of rejection kills our
faith! 接受拒绝感扼杀信心!Don’t fix ...
...Character of Humility and push back shame.在王谦卑的性情里成长,拒绝羞耻感
27 For who is greater, he who sits at the table, or he who serves? Is it
not he who sits at the table? Yet I am among
you as the One who serves. 是谁为大?是坐席的呢?是服侍人的...
...rejection, complaint,
bitterness, and the like.比如比较,愤怒,被拒绝感,抱怨,苦毒等等。“The Lord of Hosts is
with you!” “万军之耶和华与你同在!” We need to hear that
in the midst of our circumstances! 我们需要在环境里听见这话...
feeling rejected,
感到被拒绝,unwanted, 感到被遗弃,depressed,
with hopelessness, 被绝望淹没,
and he made an agreement with death.
“take my life, Lord, I wanna die.” “取...
... Jesus
foreknows that some will refuse Him, 虽然耶稣知道有些人会拒绝他,some
will have a shallow relationship with him,有些人只会很粗浅地认识神,
some will still be interested in worldly things rather than in the things of
God, 有些人喜欢世俗的事,不喜欢...
...说明一个事实,就是神的儿子被你,我,所有的人藐视和拒绝。We treated him cruelly 我们苦待他 we abandoned him我们弃绝他, we turned our
back on him我们转背离开他, yet he didn’t repay us with bitter judgement但他没有用苦毒的论断对待我们, r...
...。Some hear it,
but immediately reject it. 有些人听了道,却马上拒绝了,Because their hearts and minds are controlled by
the ways of the world, 因他们的心思意念被世界的方式掌控,and the enemy snatches away what has been sown in
their hearts. 那恶者夺去了播撒...
issues of rejection, guilt, anger, disappointment还是因拒绝感、内疚、怒气、失望that
burden your heart and make your heart heavy?让你的心感到沉重? Jesus invites everyone, 耶稣向每个人发出邀请,“Come
to Me. “到我这里来...
...rejection, shame and fear. 她在山上崇拜上帝,但她的心仍然被拒绝、羞愧和恐惧所束缚。But Jesus’ words were like living water that touched the woman’s
heart which was like a desert and the parched land. 耶稣的话就像活水,触动了这女人的心,就...
sensing being rejected and any the enemy’s lies. 诸如自怜、被拒绝感和其他仇敌的谎言……之中松脱出来。And when we praise and
give thanks to God for how awesome and great God He is, 当我们为神的威严伟大、and How He is mindful
of us, 为神如此...