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[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:67%] [67%]2017-10-08 The Lord\'s prayer 主祷文 (5)
...ssip, laziness, adultery, or drugs, and so on, 基督徒落入讲闲言、懒惰、奸淫、药物上瘾等等的试探,it gives the enemy opportunity to show contempt for the Lord. 就让仇敌得着机会来亵渎我们的主。For whenever a child commits a mistake or lacks manners ,孩子一...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:29:30  

发表于 2024-01-08 21:26:34  

...信、 fear, 惧怕、worry, 忧虑、 idolatry, 拜偶像、 laziness, 懒惰、lust 淫乱、 unforgiveness 不饶恕、 rebellion, etc.悖逆,等等。 “Hi, let's worry about your family, “嗨,来为你的家庭忧虑吧, worry about your money, 为钱财忧虑吧, worry abo...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:05:46  

... I prayed with Jane, my nose would get blocked. 我记得有几个晚上我懒惰或想,I remember a few nights when I got lazy or thought, 也许今晚我不需要喷鼻子,Maybe I don’t need the spray tonight, 然后我又会在半夜醒来,but then I’d wake up in the middle of t...
发表于 2025-02-23 22:07:31  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:65%] [65%]2021-10-31 How to Pray 如何祷告(5)
...orgiveness, 不饶恕、self-pity, 自卑自怜、laziness, 懒惰、and greed again. 贪心。   She hated Jane just as she used to hate her family members, 她恨Jane,就像她过去恨自己的家人,coz Jane pointed out her sins just like her brothers had...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:07:03  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:64%] [64%]2021-09-19 How to Pray 如何祷告(1)
...nd worthless servant by Jesus.  惧怕使他被主耶稣判为又懒惰又无用的仆人。 In that way, he dishonoured the Lord. 这样,他羞辱了神的名。 So when Jesus returns 所以当主耶稣再来,to reward His servants, 赏赐祂的众仆人时...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:06:40  

... us carry our crosses,钉死我的贪婪,嫉妒,争竞,钉死我的懒惰、自私、惧怕,nail our greed, jealousy, competition, laziness, selfishness,and fear on the cross,钉死我的判断善恶,and also nail our judgment of good and evil with You on the cross,天天...
发表于 2023-09-18 01:44:09  

...虑、 pride, 骄傲、 lust, 情欲、laziness, 懒惰、 greed, and other sins. 贪心和其他的罪; It’s my job to seek to be one with You,我要做的就是寻求与你合一,one in will, 意志相通、 one in attitude, 态度...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:06:13  

...比喻里, one was lazy and put no effort into stewarding, 那懒惰不肯付代价的仆人,his talent was taken away and given to the one who had 10 talents. 他的才干被夺去给了那有一万两的,So he lost stewardship in the Millennium. 他就失去了在千年...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:09:10  
