...p;today in a church people have so much fear, 现今教会里充满着惧怕, even pastors carry lots of fear, 连牧师也带着各种惧怕, and there’s not much joy.教会里就没有多少喜乐。8 years ago, I attended a Chinese Christian leader’s prayer mee...
...子坑、烈火窑的威胁。They didn’t become afraid 他们没有惧怕,and try to save themselves, 也没有自救,instead, they surrendered themselves to God. 乃是全然降服在神手中。And God delivered them from their enemies’
...he feelings of unforgiveness并让不饶恕, or rejection拒绝感, or fear惧怕, or anxiety焦虑, or anger恼怒, or whatever to control you. 等等来辖制你。 When the enemy approaches you当仇敌靠近你,and speaks negative words to you, 对你说些负面的话,and you don&rsquo...
...pride and manipulation and fear. 行这道会使我们从骄傲、操纵和惧怕中得释放。Because by
doing that, 因着这样做,our faith will be made complete by what we act, 信心就会因行为得以完全,it shows that we are truly exalting Jesus to the throne of our
hearts that be...
...scouragement trying to get you to give up. 仇敌用嘲讽、恐吓、惧怕、论断和灰心来让你放弃。But Nehemiah set a godly example for us, 但是尼希米为我们树立了一个敬虔的榜样,he didn’t respond to his enemies, 他没有和仇敌去吵架, ...
...ed Jesus in
His way, he would heal me.出于神的恩典, 我也没有惧怕,By God's grace,I stayed without fear, 就留下来作了门徒跟随耶稣。stopping my medication to follow Jesus. 那时我也不知道这个病是不能随便停药的。At that time I didn’t know that ...
...不再是孤儿,we don’t have to
live in fear 我们不再活在惧怕中 or bow to shame. 也不再屈服于羞愧感。 We don’t need to strive to meet our own
needs我们无需为日用所需而挣扎,or strive to be
the best to win people’s praise. 也无需做到最好...
...是毁灭你,deceive you, 欺骗你,bring guilt, 让罪恶感、fear, 惧怕、and condemnation upon your heart, 定罪感进入你的心中,and cause you to live in fear. 使你生活在惧怕中。 But the Bible says 但圣经说,that when you have the presence of Jesus in
you, 当你有...
...ing now. 全都发生了。Don’t be afraid. God is in control. 不要惧怕,神掌权。Bad things will happen on earth and are happening before the Kingdom of
Christ comes to reign. 在基督的国度来临之前,地上会发生,也正在发生不好的事。People are afraid of the va...
...ear, shame, setbacks, disappointment, depression, or anger. 我们可能被惧怕、羞愧、后退、失望、沮丧、愤怒压垮。Jesus invites us, 于是主耶稣邀请我们说:“Come
to me, I’ll give you rest”! “到我这里来,我就使你们得安息!&rd...