...tured by so many worries and fears. 以致于我们仍被这么多的忧虑惧怕折磨;It’s not to struggle
for our own desires to be satisfied, 不是为争自己的欲望得满足,so that we’re
still tortured by all sorts of negative feelings, 以致于我们仍被各种负面...
...ws are made
out of hurt这类誓言源自伤害, rejection被拒绝, fear 惧怕and judgmental thoughts论断, and they bring negative influences into our lives给我们的生命带来负面影响, and also create strongholds of
stubbornness 也建立起里面的坚固营垒which hinder us from be...
...creates worries and
anxieties and dissatisfaction and even greed in us 那惧怕和贫穷的灵的捆绑会在我们里面生出担忧焦虑不满足甚至贪婪. So that we may experience joy and freedom in the Lord 破除捆绑就可使我们经历基督里的喜乐和自由. I remember that...
...k the
power of control and fear off my life, 砍断、弃绝操纵和惧怕的权势离开我,I
rebuke all evil powers to loose Your bondages in my life, 斥责一切邪恶的权势,断开你们对我生命的捆绑,the spirit of unforgiveness, loose now
in Jesus name; 奉耶...
...伤害,you feel rejected, 你感到被拒绝,you feel fear, 你感到惧怕,and coldness of the heart has come back
again, 心冷又回来了,and you therefore are
stopped from praying in a way of self-denial to keep God’s commands, 你就因此被拦阻不祷告了,不再在祷告...
...your worry or fear or thoughts of the self on the
cross 将你的担忧或惧怕或其他旧人思想钉上十字架, and turn to
believe in His truth. 转而信靠他的真理。Don’t expect that the maturing process is comfortable to
our sinful nature. 不要期望成熟的过程对我们...
...ing anger, fear, worry or bitterness.
而不是直接就去顺从愤怒、惧怕、忧虑或苦毒。Secondly, 其次, we must
believe that God is a Rewarder.我们必须相信神是赏赐者。 His reward is the result if we put our hope in Him to seek Him
diligently. 我们若仰望祂、殷...
...们的旧人已经犯了罪,使我们与神的平安隔绝。因为罪和惧怕,当遇到困难时,我们的旧人就有不安全感。Just as the Israelites asked, “Is God with
us or not?”…We may have question like this: “If He loved me, how could he let me suffer in...
...ather has been pleased to give you the kingdom.
32你们这小群,不要惧怕,因为你们的父乐意把国赐给你们。 (路12:32) This is what we hope for! 这就是我们的盼望! The Kingdom of God will be delivered to us, 神的国将赐给我们,and if we overcome, 我们...