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[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:52%] [52%]2018-02-11 The Beatitudes 8 天国八福之八
...dquo;……凡地上的走兽和空中的飞鸟,都必惊恐、惧怕你们;连地上一切的昆虫并海里一切的鱼,都交付你们的手。凡活着的动物,都可以作你们的食物,这一切我都赐给你们,如同菜蔬一样。”  Namely也就是说, in...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:31:58  

...d fear steal our faith and produce liars in our hearts. 忧虑,焦虑,惧怕偷去我们的信心,生出谎言在我们心中。That’s why the truth tells us, “don’t live by sight, but by faith”!这就是为什么真理告诉我们不用凭眼见,要凭信心!Put y...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:48:06  

...5耶稣对祂们说:“你们的信心在哪里呢?”祂们又惧怕又希奇,彼此说:“这到底是谁?祂吩咐风和水,连风和水也听从祂了。” “Who is this Jesus? “这到底是谁?even the winds and the water obey Him.” 连风...
发表于 2024-06-23 18:47:44  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:52%] [52%]2020-03-28 Humility 谦卑
...rom pride which may be expressed in worry, fear, or anxiety.脱离担心、惧怕和忧虑等骄傲的病,恢复康健。” God has provided a remedy for the healing of our souls, 神已经赐我们灵魂得医治的药方,but it requires us to follow in the footsteps of Christ’s humi...
发表于 2022-03-25 17:28:28  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:52%] [52%]2019-07-28 Pigs or People 要猪还是要人
...re were scared by what they saw, 当时在场的人都因眼前的景象而惧怕,and the whole town went out to meet Jesus, 合城的人出来见耶稣, but instead of welcoming him to stay, 不是要欢迎祂留下,they begged him to leave their place. 而是求祂离开他们的境界。&ld...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:47:17  

...,but as a result但其结果, we end up suffering from fear, 就是被惧怕、worry, 烦愁、anger, 怒气、separation, 分离、depression, and hopelessness.沮丧和无望辖制。Now we’ve brought into the Kingdom of Light, 如今我们被迁入光明的国度,where the King of...
发表于 2024-03-24 16:36:36  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:51%] [51%]2018-09-23 Don’t Judge 不要论断人
... problems就如精神问题, depression and confusion抑郁和混乱, Fear惧怕, suicidal tendencies自杀倾向, a family history of insanity家族遗传精神病 。·         Family Genetic Diseases家族遗传疾病 (see Deut 28: 21,申28...
发表于 2022-05-26 11:53:57  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:51%] [51%]2018-07-29 The Lord’s Prayer 主祷文(六)
...中如同吼叫的狮子,四处寻找可吞吃的人, through fear借着惧怕, unforgiveness 不饶恕or judgemental thoughts论断, pride 骄傲or jealousy嫉妒, lies 谎言or all kinds of self-centred thoughts或 各种自我中心的意念. Just as he did to Adam in the Garden of Eden魔鬼...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:34:23  

...strate it through casting out demons, 藉赶鬼、overcoming fears, 胜过惧怕、and removing sickness (if God allows) from others through our prayers. 借着祷告病人得医治来彰显征服。These are not what we can do in our own strength or power. 这些不是我们凭自己的力量所...
发表于 2023-07-31 00:28:37  

...dn’t have看不不该看的人或事…worries or fears忧虑或惧怕…self-centeredness or Christ-centeredness自我中心或以基督为中心…” Lots of Choices太多选择! That’s why Jesus teaches us to pray所以主耶稣教导我们祷告, “lead us ...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:34:16  
