angry or not happy with your family members? 你仍然对你家人有怒气?不开心?Your spouse? 对你的配偶?parents? 父母? children? 孩子?Or a leader in your life? 或哪个领袖?or yourself? 或对你自己?or you felt offended by what they said or did…或者...
...自己、 gossip, 说闲话、 worry, 忧愁、 anxiety, 焦虑、 anger, 怒气、 negative imaginations, 负面想象、bitterness, 苦毒、unforgiveness, 不饶恕, or any hidden
rebellion或任何隐藏的悖逆—reveal it to me now. ——求祢光照我。If there is some...
...aces我们所有人里面都住着骄傲, it can produce
anger它制造出怒气, bitterness苦毒, criticism挑剔, manipulation操纵, lust情欲淫乱, selfishness and rebellion自私和悖逆…which can cause us not to listen to God but to the self when temptation
...粉饰的墙,神要打你!” Anger can cause us to speak wrongly怒气会让人说错话. And people who stood beside him told him站在旁边的人提醒说, “you dare to insult God’s high priest你敢辱骂神的大祭司吗?” Paul immediately repented and turned to God&...
...re angry and you just say or do
whatever you like?当你发火时,顺着怒气任意妄为,你觉得舒服吗?Yes!是! Do you feel comfortable when you want to watch unhealthy
stuff you just do it?当你想看不该看的马上就看时,你觉得舒服吗?Yes!是! When we do just what we...
...rboured. 如果有,就请圣灵显明你里面是否有隐藏的痛苦或怒气。By God’s grace, let’s pray: 藉着神的恩典,让我们来祷告: "Lord, I was once
under the control of the evil one, “主啊,我曾被恶者掌控, bound by the judgement
of this world,...
...ghts, or fear, 自私自利的想法,惧怕, or
anger, or bitterness, 怒气,苦毒,or unforgiveness, or lust
or whatever thoughts…不饶恕,情欲,等等……), so that we may
deeply turn to God, 让我们能深深地转向神,and may have more godly
... we end up suffering from fear, 就是被惧怕、worry,
分离、depression, and hopelessness.沮丧和无望辖制。Now
we’ve brought into the Kingdom of Light, 如今我们被迁入光明的国度,where the King
of kings rules with truth, righteo...
...comparison, 比较、jealousy, 嫉妒、unforgiveness, 不饶恕、anger 怒气,self-pity, and the like, 自怜等想法,which
cause our hearts to lose peace, 这些使我们的心不平安, and allow
His truth, His love, His Kingdom principles to rule in our hearts. 让祂的真理、祂的...
...和那人更相似. If we judge others with anger or bitterness我们若以怒气和苦毒论断人, “you are selfish你很自私…you are lazy你好懒…you are stupid你真蠢…he is a bad person他这人太坏了…” We are condemning ourselves我们就在定自...