...us was distrusted and mocked by his own brothers耶稣自己的亲兄弟也不信他,还嘲笑他, “you ought to go to Judea你离开这里上犹太去吧, so that your disciples may see
the miracles you do叫你的门徒也看见你所行的事…no one who wants to become a public
...和华,不可倚靠自己的聪明。The issue of trust is in the heart. 不信或信都在于心。The heart is the place where sin or faith is conceived (James 雅1:13-15, Matt太 5:28). 心是生发罪恶或信心的地方。So we need to protect our hearts and minds by using the armour God giv...
..., and those who are non-believers will be put into the eternal fire那些不信的人将被投入永火中. Then in Revelation 21然后到了《启示录》二十一章, we see that eventually the promised new heaven
and new earth come应许的新天新地终于来到, and those who
are ready for ...
than trust God’s judgement, 却不信靠神的审判。 so
that they become spiritually blind. 让人成了属灵的瞎子。“I’m right, “我是对的,
I haven’t done any wrong” 我没有做错任何事。”Trump twee...
...ess or whatever binds and
controls life. 惧怕、谎言、拒绝、忧虑、不安全感、不饶恕、苦毒或任何捆绑、控制我们生命的营垒。And
they can become idols you serve. 它们会成为你事奉的偶像。“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and
...g fruits
of pride而只会生出骄傲, jealousy嫉妒, fear惧怕, worry 忧虑and all fruit of the
flesh和各样肉体的果子! So we need to
cry out因此我们呼求, “Lord, I surrender主啊,我降服! I surrender to Your Holy words我向你圣洁的话降服…It’s all ...
... which may be expressed in worry, fear, or anxiety.脱离担心、惧怕和忧虑等骄傲的病,恢复康健。” God has provided a remedy for the healing of our souls, 神已经赐我们灵魂得医治的药方,but it requires us to follow in the footsteps of Christ’s humility.但...
...Illuminate any anger, 显明任何怒气、 rejection, 拒绝、
worry, 忧虑、 fear,
惧怕、 lust,
情欲、 lies, 谎言,
or any false beliefs或任何错误的信,that have given the enemy opportunity to build
strongholds within us. 给仇敌机会在我们内心建立的...
fear, 如惧怕、anxiety, 焦虑、worry, 忧虑、or negative imagination 或负面想象,we tend to grasp tangible things rather God 我们就会想抓住有形的东西。For example, 例如,despite knowing God’s promises for him, 尽管雅各知道神对...