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...ip it as a god will eventually be defeated by the Kingdom of Christ 一个宗教政治结合的体系引诱人把它当神一样去拜的,最终要被基督的国击败。The system once appeared during the Roman Empire这宗教政治体系曾出现在罗马帝国 ,now is clearly seen in the U...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:00:14  

...t the religious leaders who failed to reveal the Father. 他来显明那些宗教领袖的罪,因他们没有将父表明出来Jesus came to make the Father known, 主耶稣来来将父显明出来,that’s why He said, 因此祂说,“if you see me you see the Father.” 人看...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:51:46  

...人”,代表诱惑全地教会、诱惑从古至今所有教会的宗教之灵, 牠的使命是诱惑神的教会犯属灵的淫乱,就是听从世界的教导 。And the dream also revealed that after those leaders had been captured, then, they would leave the church. 这梦还启示,...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:26:34  

...ligious feast, 当普天下散在列国的犹太人来到耶路撒冷庆祝宗教节日时,the outpouring of the Holy Spirit came onto them. 圣灵就降临在他们身上。Why did God choose this time to demonstrate His power by giving this specific gift of speaking in tongues to the apostles? ...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:46:54  

...at a religion can’t set us free from all kinds of fear. 因祂知道宗教不能使我们脱离各种惧怕。Our souls once were imprisoned by various fears. 我们的灵魂曾被各种恐惧拘禁着。A person in fear does nothing, 惧怕中的人什么也做不了,fear causes a person...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:28:14  

...f lies. 谎言的灵, I break free from the spirits of religion, 破除宗教的灵, which gives me the appearance of godliness它给我敬虔的外表,but lacks dunamis - supernatural power却没有神的能力。I break the spirits of fear. 破除一切的惧怕的灵,I break the spirits ...
发表于 2024-07-21 17:06:37  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:58%] [58%]2020-03-28 Humility 谦卑
...ious leaders and other people in his day.  耶稣基督在地上时被宗教领袖和众人藐视。Even his own brothers misunderstood and mocked him, when Christ Jesus obeyed the Father’s commands, and didn’t go to Judea publicly, 当祂遵从父的命令,不公开到犹...
发表于 2022-03-25 17:28:28  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:58%] [58%]2020-02-09 Light to the World 世界的光
...;t have the true light can do these too. 佛教徒和其他没有真光的宗教人士也是这样做。Will people see their good deeds and give glory to the Father? 人岂能看见他们的好行为并将荣耀归给父呢?No! 不!They give glory to themselves!他们把荣耀归给自己!&nbs...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:49:35  

...keep me under the control of the spirit of religion. 我破除想让我被宗教的灵控制的惧怕邪灵。 I surrender myself to You, Holy Spirit…” 我将自己交给你,圣灵……” ...
发表于 2024-09-08 16:37:54  

...us leaders sacrificed themselves for the sins of their people, 没有任何宗教领袖为他子民的罪牺牲自己,but You, died and rose again to save us and bring us into Your eternal Kingdom.惟有你,为我们死,又为我们复活,拯救我们,带我们进入你永恒的国度。I...
发表于 2024-03-24 16:36:36  
