...有钱人会自杀呢?Because their hearts are in despair. 因为他们的心都绝望了。The Author of the bible who made the heart tells us, ‘the precepts
of the Lord are right, giving JOY to the heart. (Psa 19:8)圣经的作者,也是造我们的心上帝在诗篇19:8对我们说...
exposed his heart to her threat. 他的心向她的恐吓开了门。
The first ‘bitter root’ is threat and fear.
a great man of God Elijah was! 以利亚曾是何等大有信...
...他里面生根建造,信心坚固,正如你们所领的教训,感谢的心也更增长了。 That’s
our theme for this year, 这是我们教会今年的主题,
which also requires us to continue to live our lives in Him.这也要求我们要持续的活在祂里面。In other w...
unmerciful heart opens a legal door to the evil spirits因一个无怜悯的心会向邪灵 打开合法的门 to enter your life进入你的生命, or your family你的家庭, an unmerciful heart brings out complaints一个无怜悯的心生出抱怨, judgemental
thoughts论断, blame责怪, lie...
... 创3:9)” God is concerned about where we
are. 神关注的是我们的心在哪里。This is a question about relationship not performance. 这个提问是关乎关系而不是外在表现。God wants a
relationship with us not a performance from us. 神要的是和我们的亲密关系,...
...ce to rule in our hearts需要付代价来追求让祂的平安掌管我们的心. It comes through the connection. 这安息平安是借连结而来, “Come to me, you’ll find the rest”. 来,我可以使你得安息 We’re invited to come into connection with
a Person &nd...
...What is God’s heart for us in this book? 神在这本书中对我们的心意是什么?Today, we’re going to briefly look at the
background of the book before diving into the testing of faith. 今天,在深入探讨信心的试验之前,我们来简要了解一下这本书的背...
...but also we help people to walk in this way
with compassion, 也存怜悯的心扶持他人一同来走这道路,then what will
happen? 将会带出怎样的果效?God promises, 神应许我们,“then your light will
rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday. Is...
...im we cry, “Abba, Father. Romans 8:15. 你们所受的,不是奴仆的心,仍旧害怕;所受的,乃是儿子的心,因此我们呼叫:“阿爸,父!”(罗8:15)For those
who have received Christ as their personal saviour, and have received the
Spirit of sonship,我...
...rt for His chosen people are
not just for them to be blessed, 神向选民的心意,不是只让他们自己得福,but
for them to be a blessing to many!而是让他们成为多人的祝福! Israel as God’s chosen people
misunderstood God’s heart. 作为神选民的以色...