...e God exists, 因祂真实存在,we’re not orphans. 我们就不是孤儿。 He is Our Father the Creator of All.
祂是我们的父-万物的创造者。 We can call on His name to help us overcome anytime,
任何时候我们可以呼求祂的名来帮助我们胜过困难, instead of s...
...s freedom. 哪里就有自由。 Let the orphans say, 愿那孤儿说:“My God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” Amen. “我的神必照祂荣耀的丰富,在基督耶稣里,使你们一切所需用的都...
...ash; guard your
heart.今天,让我们来看这个话题—保守你的心。1, The importance of guarding our hearts. 保守心的重要性Pro 箴4:23, Guard your heart above all else, for it is
the source of life. 你要保守你心,胜过保守一切(或作“你要切切保守你...
...le即使拥有的很少, if you keep your heart in the right place只要你的心摆放得正. Over the last three weeks前三周, we were back
in our home town我们回国了, where I was busy with
bible teaching我在那里忙着讲解圣经, counselling辅导, and prayers又祷告. During the f...
...heart is to recognize the person’s words. 从人所说的话认出他的心。Let’s continue to look at
Matt 12: 33-35. 让我们继续分享马太福音12:33-35。 Last week we talked about how Jesus cast
out demons from a blind and mute man, 上周我们分享了主耶稣从...
heart is not wounded by sin, 我的心没有被罪伤害,so I’m free to love the Father with all my heart, 所以我可以全心地爱父,there is no problem
in surrendering within me, 我的心可以自由地向父降服,my personal i...
...耶稣指出,that God’s desire is to get people’s hearts. 神的心意是要得着人的心。When you chase a girlfriend (boyfriend),
当你追求一个女朋友(男朋友), when you
capture the heart, 当你俘获了人的心,you get the person. 你就得到了那个人。 In t...
In Jesus’ sermon on the mountain, 在耶稣的登山宝训中, He said 祂说: Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will
be called sons of God. “使人和睦的人有福了,因为他们必称...