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...、supporting war veterans, 给退伍军人、widows, 寡妇、orphans, 孤儿、people with injuries, 伤者、various disorders, 各类病人、and disabilities.  残疾人提供帮助。Now, thousands more people have been touched by Jesus Christ through the love and care of the Church....
发表于 2024-10-21 12:23:17  

...id, that He would not leave them as orphans,他说他不会撇下他们为孤儿, but would send the Counsellor, the Helper, to be with them.会差保惠师,那帮助者,与他们同在。 “When the Holy Spirit comes”, Jesus said, 耶稣说:只等真理的圣灵来了, He wi...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:28:14  

...哭(第1节). They felt they were like orphans, 祂们觉得自己像孤儿,they felt self-pity, 自卑自怜,“It’s too hard, !  “这太难了,it’s unfair, 这不公平,we’ll be bullied’ 我们会被欺负的。”They cried all night&hell...
发表于 2024-06-23 18:47:44  

...han without keeping God’s promises in my heart? 我是否仍然像个孤儿,心里没有遵守神的应许? Are there any areas of my heart still occupied by rejection, independence, fear, unforgiveness or any unresolved hurts?”  我的内心是否还被拒绝感、靠自己、...
发表于 2023-08-14 15:17:02  

...耶稣做我们的王 then we become orphans again, 于是我们又成了孤儿we’ll feel insecure and feel defensive, 我们会感到无安全感,就会自我保护。And we’ll try to control our own world, 我们就要试图掌控自己的世界,“I must find love, value, and ...
发表于 2023-06-26 11:46:13  

...leave us orphans. 我们的主耶稣应许我们,他不会撇下我们为孤儿。He sent a Helper to be with us. 他差了一位保惠师与我们同在。That’s the Holy Spirit, 那就是圣灵,who is our personal mentor, coach, counsellor, and friend. 祂是我们个人的导师、教...
发表于 2023-07-31 00:28:37  

...That’s why I’m angry所以我发火, I’m an orphan我是孤儿, I don’t have a Father我是无父的, no one is for me没有人帮助我, so my heart is bitter所以,我心里很苦.” Is that true这是真的吗? That’s not true. 这不是真的,“I wa...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:12:16  

..., 你是我们天上的阿爸父,and the father of the fatherless. 你是孤儿的父。How great you are and your faithfulness. 你的信实何等伟大 !Everything You allow to happen to me is for me to grow in Your truth, 每一件允许临到我们的事,对我们的生命成长有益,so...
发表于 2022-09-11 17:08:28  

...ou behave will make you an orphan again, 你所行的只会让你又像个孤儿一样,“I’ve gotta figure it out…“我要想办法…”I’ve gotta prove that I can…“我必须来证明我可以……” then you’ll be entangle...
发表于 2023-04-23 22:53:53  

...s hear the good news and turn to You in the midst of the pandemic; 愿孤儿听见好消息,在这疫情中转向你;Let disaster be turned into blessing, 愿灾难变为祝福,and more people revere You 愿更多人敬畏你,and turn away from their own ways 转离自己...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:06:37  
