...们在主里面, but our thoughts
abide not in the words of God但我们的心思没有被神的话管理, only in our own thoughts只是我们自己的想法里, “I’m angry because he did
this我很生气,因为他做了这事…I was drunk, because he gave
me drink我喝醉...
... God’s intention very well, 旧约的圣徒大卫深深认识神的心意, for he was man after God’s own heart. 因他是“合神心意的人”(寻求神的心的人)He knew, 他知道,“You set a table before me for all I need to defeat my ene...
... of the
animal kingdom, 但我在看动物世界的纪录片时,我的心难过极了,when I saw hyenas killing
a new-born baby of another hyena, 一群土狼咬死了他们同类的刚出生宝宝,the mum hyena was crying over the loss of her baby. 那土狼妈妈为失去孩...