...n He comes into us, 当祂进入我们里面,He wakes us up, 祂使我们的心苏醒,He intercedes for us, 为我们代求,He gives us strength and wisdom; 赐给我们力量和智慧; He restores and guides us into all His
truth, 祂恢复、引导我们进入一切的真理,and He tran...
...像造人。And His intention was to have
more children in His image. 祂的心意是有更多孩子有祂的形像。 Adam and Eve sinned
against God and lost their connection with God. 亚当和夏娃犯了罪,与神隔绝了。They listened to Satan; 他们听信了撒但; they lost their s...
... compared to that of Christ Jesus, 并对主说,“主啊,监察我的心,看我的想法是否和耶稣基督背离的
,I’m willing to be corrected and to be
renewed by You, 我愿意被你纠正和改变,and to be made new like
Christ, 改换一新如同基督,and no longe...
... the Almighty God was not to destroy him through
his madness, 但全能神的心意,不是用发疯来毁掉他, but to edify him .而是要造就他。It says, “your
kingdom will be restored to you when you acknowledge that Heaven rules.所以经上说,等你知道诸天掌权,以...
about Your heart from this verse? 从这经文里你想我明白你怎样的心意? Let’s ask the Lord. 让我们来求问主。 “The Lord, 主,Yahweh, 耶和华,the Creator God, 造物主神, the Almighty God, 全能的神,the Most high God, 至高的神,Jesus, ...
...’t represent the Father’s heart correctly,所以他无法以父的心为心 ,and of course, he still wasn’t given the whole inheritance
to look after by his father. 当然父亲也就不能把产业完全交给他来管理。Both the sons were still in the process of maturing....
...umble—not controlling, but full of love and
compassion. 再次,我的心被神的爱深深感动。Once again, my heart was deeply moved by
God’s love. 几乎每个人都知道Jane的梦,梦见我和付牧师带领周四的查经。Almost everyone knew about Jane’s dream of m...
...y member’s hearts, 祷告神的国大有能力地降临在家人的心里、into
our societies, into our communities, into…降临在我们的社会、我们的社区、降临在……to
break the chains of sin and the influence of the kingdom of darkness, 藉着福...
... His words to our hearts and minds, 我们求神开启他的话语在我们的心里,so that we may understand,
这样我们就能明白,why it’s so important for us to be rooted in His truth and love before
Jesus’ return.为什么在主来前,我们扎根在他的真理和爱中...