...stablished in Jewish thought. 但神是王的概念却是扎根在犹太人的心里。What’s
the function of a king?王的职责是什么?The King rules over His Kingdom. 王掌管祂的国度。The Psalms frequently
declare 诗篇多次宣告,“The Lord reigns” 惟耶和华...
...。So first of all, a
blaming mindset hinders love. 首先,怪责他人的心态会阻挡爱。Then, embracing
feelings of fear and shame hinders love. 接着,怀抱惧怕和羞耻感也阻挡爱。V.9-10, when God asked Adam,
“where are you?” 创3:9-10,耶和华 神呼唤那...
...的旨意求什么,他就听我们,这是我们向他所存坦然无惧的心。既然知道他听我们一切所求的,就知道我们所求与他的,无不得着。The key for receiving His answer is to pray according to his will. 得到应允的关键是,照祂的旨意求。But how can...
...里,神七次说”我要”, which revealed His heart for us神的心在此显明了! It’s saying这话在说, Do NOT Worry不—要—忧虑! But trust in God但信靠祂! We need to work hard in the Lord! 我们当在主里的勤奋工作。Worry and anxiety can cause both...
...他里面生根建造,信心坚固,正如你们所领的教训,感谢的心也更增长了。(西2:6-7)How can we avoid
practicing lawlessness? 怎样避免行无法的事? A, continue to live your lives in Him. 持续住在主里;B, Rooted and built up in him. 在主里生根建造...
...ldquo;身量”或作“年纪”),并 神和人喜爱他的心,都一齐增长。(路2:52). In other
words, 换句话说, if we wanna
grow in wisdom and in favour with God and men, 我们若想智慧、神和人的喜爱都加增,we need to
please God in this way, ...
His heart for us is love. 祂对我们的心是爱。 What’s your response to the word of God this
afternoon? 今天下午你对神的话语有何回应?How many of us want to say ‘Lord, I once was unfaithful有多少人说,“主,
...n He comes into us, 当祂进入我们里面,He wakes us up, 祂使我们的心苏醒,He intercedes for us, 为我们代求,He gives us strength and wisdom; 赐给我们力量和智慧; He restores and guides us into all His
truth, 祂恢复、引导我们进入一切的真理,and He tran...
...像造人。And His intention was to have
more children in His image. 祂的心意是有更多孩子有祂的形像。 Adam and Eve sinned
against God and lost their connection with God. 亚当和夏娃犯了罪,与神隔绝了。They listened to Satan; 他们听信了撒但; they lost their s...