the poor,
传福音给贫穷人,heal the broken hearted,
医治受伤的心,proclaim deliverance to the captives, 叫被虏的得释放,restore vision
to the blind, 瞎眼的得看见,set people
free.使人得自由 (see Luke路 4:18-19)。As the
body of Christ, 作为基督的身...
...nsform your character into Jesus’ likeness!
那风浪只为改变你的心,使你的性情象耶稣!This is just the time for you to pray for your heart to - “be quiet, and be
still” 那只是为叫你为你的心祷告“住了吧!静了吧!”from the waves of f...
...ll give you what
He promised you.” 所以,你们不可丢弃勇敢的心;存这样的心必得大赏赐。 你们必须忍耐,使你们行完了 神的旨意,就可以得着所应许的。(来 10:35-36) James 1:12 Blessed is the
one who perseveres under trial, because when he has s...
...物之初, God’s heart was to let light
shine in the dark world神的心意就是让光照在黑暗里! God is unchangeable神永不改变! “Let there be light要有光!” Wherever we go无论我们去哪里, let there be light让那里有光! Let the light shine in this sinful wor...
...ve the hearts of the contrite 要使谦卑人的灵苏醒,也使痛悔人的心苏醒(see Isa 57:15b,赛57:15下) So please don’t accept any feelings of condemnation but put your trust in
God’s salvation所以不要接受任何定罪感,而要信靠神! God never looks for people ...
...e cross, 把它们钉上十字架上,to change our thinking. 更新我们的心思意念。
Actually, it isn’t
an easy path. 实际上,这条路不容易走,Sometimes it was
painful, 有时甚至会痛,when I, or Kayla the same, when Jane pointed
out something we needed to confes...
...that two big trees would bear fruit,神有更加长远、广阔且美好的心意,we surrendered ourselves to God because we believed虽然现在看到的还有限,我们当行的就是顺服神。that God’s plan was out of His good will, even though we still can’t see the whole
...需要将心意对齐. But if we pray in God’s will我们若照着神的心意祷告祈求, He will answer us immediately祂就会快快回应. A week before上周, after the Mandarin
bible group中文查经结束后, I heard Raymond
cry loudly, Raymond好大声地喊我, “Jane, come
...od; my
salvation comes from him. 比如,大卫王在诗 62:1里说,我的心默默无声,专等候
神,我的救恩是从他而来。He felt
that his life, his thoughts, his mind, his willpower, and everything about his
ego, “I will” “I think,” “I
...even paying a price, we will
see His glory. 无论任何环境,让我们的心记住:他是谁?我们是谁?我们当如何侍奉?就算付上代价,仍要全心赞美祂,我们就会见到祂的荣耀。Finally, I
will show you a testimony on the screen, from a sister who heard the ...