...requests to God将你们所要的告诉神”, hit my heart拨动了我的心. I suddenly realised that I needed to present my time to God我突然明白过来,应该将时间需要交托给神, so that I wouldn’t
worry就不至于忧虑了. After I had mediated on God’s promise
...’t cure had gone? 为什么在我邀请神国的君王耶稣进入我的心后,医生和药物都治不好的狂躁症就好了?With the limitation of our fallen minds, we
can’t understand. 我们堕落又有限的脑子是想不明白的。But
thank God, we have been given the Spi...
...nts humans to follow his way to rebel against the Creator God. 何等狂傲的心! 他想要做神,想夺取,本属于 至高神的敬拜。而且他还要人和他一起去悖逆创造主。
Today, I’m gonna to share with you three points about the third temptation of Jesus.我想和...
...ft and peace
came into his heart杀人的欲望离开了,平安进入他的心. This is spiritual warfare. 这是属灵争战。Today, we’ll learn
a little bit about Spiritual warfare through Eph 6:10-12 今天我们要借着弗6:10-12来认识属灵争战:10 Finally, be
strong in the...
... also Matt 6:21.
神认识我们,知道我们的财宝在哪里,我们的心就在哪里。(太6:21)Because of
His love, He wants our hearts to live in heaven, 因祂的爱,神愿意我们的心住在天上,not
to be tortured and bound by earth possessions and money, 不愿意我们...
...少了什么?Then, Eph 4:11-17 stuck my heart. 弗 4:11-17触动了我的心。Today, we’re
gonna read今天我们来读 Eph 弗4:11-13, 1 Cor 林前12:28, Romans 罗1:11, Eph 弗4:11 So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists,
the pastors and teachers, 11他所...
...y heart to see whether I would ask Him for justice in my eyes, 祂查验我的心,看我是求我眼中的伸张公平呢 or would follow Christ’s footstep and pray “Father, 还是跟随基督的脚踪,求,“父啊, may this cup be
taken from me, Yet not as my will, but as ...
...,so that prayer can capture His
heart. 这样祷告就能抓住祂的心。Martha’s
prayer didn’t work. 马大的祷告不管用。 If
we pray, “Lord, I’m busy, and
he’s doing nothing. 如果我们祷告,“主啊,我很忙,他什么...