... on” stroke my heart, “从那时起”这句话触动了我的心,why didn’t Jesus call people to repentance first, 为什么耶稣没有先呼召人们悔改,but only after He had overcome the temptation? 而是在他胜过试探后才呼召人呢? What is
God trying to s...
...that our Lord Jesus wants our hearts我们了解到主耶稣要的是我们的心. He is not looking for a mere outward
act of worship祂不看重仅仅外在的敬拜行为, like the Pharisees did就象法利赛人那样. No不, He is looking for
a right motive and attitude in our hearts祂寻找...
...?当然不容易,但神的命令总归是爱,爱使我们得着清洁的心、无亏的良心、无伪的信心。Last week,
we heard the story that after Rachel found that her hand bag had been stolen,
she started practicing thanksgiving to God, then her emotions were kept safe
from compla...
...言,and take captive
every thought to the obedience to Christ. 将所有的心意夺回,都顺服基督。So that we are made less of the self and more of Christ. 如此,就会基督在里面长大兴旺,自己衰微。That’s the result of growing in the divine nature of Christ. 这...
... 神就差他儿子的灵进入你们(原文作“我们”)的心,呼叫:“阿爸,父!” 7 So you are no longer a slave, but a son; God has made
you also an heir. 7可见,从此以后,你不是奴仆,乃是儿子了。既是儿子,就靠着 神为后嗣。...
...你。Whenever our thoughts are in line with
Jesus’, 当我们的心思意念与耶稣合一时,we’re delivered. 我们就得释放了。Satan won’t trouble you. 撒旦不会找你麻烦,You can go to church你可以去教会、and even pray and read your
begins right here, within our own hearts. ——它始于自己的心里。 Yes, the enemy lurks, 是的,仇敌是伏在门前,but it’s the sin within us that gives him a
foothold. 但正是我们内心的罪给了他立足之地。 Now, let me pause for a moment 现在我想...
...led him ‘a man after God’s own heart.” 因神看到大卫的心,就称他为“合神心意的人”。What does that mean? “合神心意的人”是什么意思?It means David sought God’s will to be his own will, 意思是大卫寻求神的心意...
...怒。 His heart for the world is to see sinful man repent.
祂对世界的心乃是盼望罪人悔改。 “Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven is near.” “天国近了,你们应当悔改。”In the book of Revelation, disasters, famines, plagues《启示录》中描述的灾...
...present four types of hearers’ hearts, 四种土预表四种听道者的心田,and how they react to the Word of God after hearing it. 以及他们听到神话语后的反应。 Type One - the hard heart. 第一种心田——硬土。“some fell along the path, and the bir...