in our lives through an orphan mindset, 借着孤儿的心态运行在我们生命中,or a mentality which blocks
us from being transformed into
His Son’s likeness. 或是借孤儿心理来拦阻我们改变成为神儿子的样子。
Because J is ...
...e orphan mindset
vs the Son’s mindset”, 上周我们讲“孤儿的心与儿子的心”,and Joseph Zeng shared an amazing testimony
with us. Joseph和我们分享了他奇妙的见证。Today, we’ll go
on looking at this topic今天,我们继续这个主题- the orp...
a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. 神在他的圣所作孤儿的父,作寡妇的伸冤者。(诗篇 68:5) God is the Father to the fatherless. 神是孤儿的父, Hosea 14:3, “In you the orphan finds
...I will not leave you as orphans; I will
come to you. 我不撇下你们为孤儿,我必到你们这里来。
How? 如何做到?By
sending the Holy Spirit to be with us. 借着差遣圣灵到我们这里。So the Holy Spirit is the unlimited presence of
Jesus who is with us. 圣灵就是无...
...我们全是祂的儿女! And no longer
fatherless children我们不再是孤儿! No matter how
sad it was不管过去你有多难过, if you had an
absent earthly father when you were growing up若在你长大的过程中,地上的爸爸常不在身边, or you didn’t have a father或者...
...xile. 以斯帖也过着流亡的生活,She was an orphan. 她是个孤儿, She was raised by her older cousin, Mordecai (Esther 2:7). 由堂兄末底改抚养长大(斯2:7)。She was young and pretty, 以斯帖容貌俊美, but she was taken into the Persian King&rsq...
...ed. 被恶待并被拒绝。They had been fatherless. 他们一直是无父孤儿,They had worked very hard. 他们做苦工,Their hearts were filled with worry, fear, and
bitterness. 心里充满了忧虑、恐惧和痛苦 “Forget the former
things; do not dwell on the past.” ...
...圣名。 You administer justice for the fatherless
and the widow. 你为孤儿和寡妇施行公义,A father to the
fatherless,你作孤儿 的父,a defender of widows. 你为寡妇申冤。Lead us into Your righteousness because of
our adversary, 因我们的仇敌的缘故,求你引导...
...quo;就是:an orphan doesn’t
have a mum nor a dad, 没有爸妈的孤儿,a kind couple adopt the child, 被一对善良的夫妻收养; and they take the child home, 他们把孩子带回家,and the child takes the dad’s surname, 并让孩子姓养父的姓;and he grows up in ...
...救赎我们付上代价。We’re no longer
orphans, 我们不再是孤儿,no longer homeless
我们不再无家可归 —we have an
eternal home in Your Kingdom.在你国度里我们有了永恒的家。You are our Father
forever, 你是我们永远的阿爸父,and we are Your