...灰心,or be jealous or take pride in yourself or boast about yourself或嫉妒、或骄傲、或自夸, because it is all about receiving from God…因为一切都是从神领受的...different gifts and talents are for the common good 人有不同的恩赐和才能是为基督身体共...
...ins各种性犯罪, or easily to
be angered或是容易恼怒, or jealousy嫉妒, any problems等等任何问题. God promised us if we humble ourselves with fasting and prayer神的应许是,我们若以禁食祷告谦卑自己, He will set us free祂必使我们得自由. I’m not saying tha...
...lame others责怪他人的问题, or you’re jealous或是你就很会嫉妒 and you judge a lot你很会论断, “Because I’m not loved因为我没有被爱… I don’t have what you have他们有的,我没有…I
should have got it我应该得到那些的.” ...
...other’s faults, 不要计算他人的恶,or
remain jealous. 不要嫉妒,“Be
still before the Lord.” “要在主前安息”。Despite
your circumstances, look up! 任何环境中都单仰望神!Turn
your heart to Jesus, 让心转向耶稣,don’t
allow th...
...st down from heaven. 自从被逐出天堂,撒旦就充满罪、谎言、嫉妒、被拒绝、苦毒和仇恨。 He
does not love nor glorify the Father, 他不爱父也不荣耀父, and his statement is, 他宣告说,“I’ will…我会……I
...lousy, the
greed hidden in their hearts. 却忽视内心隐藏的骄傲、嫉妒、贪婪。 What happened to them? 他们的果子如何?They lost intimacy with God, 他们失去了与神的亲密关系, become hypocrites in God’s eyes. 成为神眼中假冒伪善的人。
C, How to c...
of jealousy,嫉妒的捆绑, of manipulation, 操纵的捆绑,of gossip, 说闲话的捆绑,and of judgemental
thoughts. 论断的捆绑, Even in bondage to addictions, 甚至陷在各种瘾的捆绑里,alcohol, 酒精、drugs...
...怒, selfish ambition结党, dissensions纷争, factions异端 21 and envy嫉妒; drunkenness醉酒, orgies荒宴, and the like等等. I warn you, as I did before我从前告诉你们,现在又告诉你们, that those
who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God行这样事的人必不...
在基督里,you don’t have to be jealous of others 你不必是嫉妒他人, “ooh, he has been given much. 哦,神给他很多。” Yes, he has been given much是的,神是给他很多 but much will be demanded from him但要向他多多的要. That’s the principle of ...
...ealousy? 你是不是受到试探去挑剔、发脾气、被情欲牵引、嫉妒人?We should have this
awareness that whenever we are cleansed and filled with the Holy Spirit, 我们要这个意识,就是任何时候,当圣灵洁净和充满我们后, the devil will come to tempt. 恶者...