... showing His power to confirm His prophesy现在神正用大能显明祂的预言. God’s will is irresistible上帝的旨意不可阻挡! Pray according to His will, you
will receive 照神的旨意祷告,就能得着! Pro 28:13(箴28:13), he who conceals his sins does not prosp...
...om of Judah would be cut
down like a tree and would only remain a stump主预言犹大国将像树被砍伐,仅有树不子存留, because of their disobedience to God’s words因为以色列民不顺服神的话. And the remnant was instructed to take root downward主指示那些余剩的...
...iel and the book
of revelation. 和基督国度再来耶路撒冷掌权的预言性的应许。And people recognised that
understanding God’s promises about what will happen when the physical reign of the
Kingdom of Christ comes was very important, 肢体认识到,明白神的对末后基...
...就是大卫的子孙,– the anointed Messiah King or not.即是那预言要来的弥赛亚。But the religious leaders started to slander
Jesus. 但宗教领袖却毁谤耶稣。They said to people that Jesus was
the ruler of demons. 说他是靠鬼王赶鬼。Then Jesus started his
...s 比如辨别诸灵的恩赐、(v.10节), healing, and prophecy. 医治和预言的恩赐。
The gift of discerning spirits is particularly
important 辨别诸灵的恩赐尤其重要,for recognizing demonic activity. 因为它帮助我们识别邪灵的活动。Without having this gift, 如...
...y Spirit about his son, 施洗约翰的父亲撒迦利亚,在圣感动中预言 “and you, my child, will
be called a prophet of the Most High; for you will go on before the Lord to prepare
the way of Him, to give his people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness
of their sins....
...ng这毫不令人惊奇, for Jesus foretold
that few will find it因耶稣预言很少人会找到. Even in the age of Paul the apostle甚至在使徒保罗时代, who in the Spirit wrote the letter to Galatians for the church of Galatia保罗在圣灵里写信给加拉太教会信徒, because the ...
...re undoubtedly fulfilled throughout the years那些年间,神赐给我的预言全都一一成就, people in bondage were set free被捆绑的人得了释放, however可是, it didn’t bring me honour我不但没有因此被尊重, but more persecution逼迫反而加增. Somebody said 有...
... all kinds of
spiritual gifts他们有各样属灵恩赐, like prophecy说预言, healing医治, and
speaking tongues说方言, but they were still merely
infants in Christ但他们还是属灵婴儿, do you know why?为什么 Because they
lived according to the desires of the flesh like mere me...