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...证,but will share with you some of my own experiences and testimonies.圣经说,The Bible says,圣灵来是为耶稣作见证的,the Holy Spirit is here to witness for Jesus,我们也是为耶稣作见证的。and we are also here to witness for Jesus.在联合聚会上,At the combined...
发表于 2023-09-18 01:44:09  

...里复活。Why does the bible call Jesus the first fruit? 为什么圣经却称耶稣为“初熟的果子”? Because Jesus was the first to rise from the dead and never to die again. 这是因耶稣是第一个从死里复活并且没有再死的。 He is the life Giv...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:09:10  

...th his eyes, or decide by what he hears with hisears;这经文是以赛亚预言耶稣的话。他行审判不凭眼见,断是非也不凭耳闻。With his eyes, he saw, the fact is that after fasting 40 days and 40 nights, hewas hungry. With his ears, he heard a voice saying “tell these ...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:26:12  

...cy over Joseph in Gen 49:22, 记得吗,在创49:22,雅各对约瑟的预言 “Joseph is a fruitful bough, A fruitful bough by a spring; Its branches run over the wall. 约瑟是多结果子的树枝,是泉旁多结果的枝子,他的枝条探出墙外。Joseph had been hurt deeply b...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:12:10  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:6%] [6%]2019-07-28 Pigs or People 要猪还是要人
...is doesn’t mean that the bible contradicts itself. 但这不意味着圣经自相矛盾。 From the different records, 查考这些不同的记载,we see that Mark and Luke emphasized the one man through whom the demons had a conversation with Jesus. 可看到马可福音和路加福...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:47:17  

...nd the bible?有没有发现meekness(温柔)在《牛津词典》和《圣经》里含义的不同?The Oxford dictionary describes “meekness” like this, “quiet, gentle, easily imposed on, submissive.”《牛津词典》解释meekness是:安静,温柔,容易被指...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:30:13  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:6%] [6%]2018-04-22 Oaths and Honesty 发誓和诚实
...faithful in carrying out the promise就要忠心遵守执行. In the bible圣经里有个记载, we see that the great prophet Samuel’s mum Hannah who had been barren大先知撒母耳的妈妈哈拿不能生育, one day有一天, she made a vow to the Lord,  saying她许愿说, “...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:32:54  

...因为他们必得安慰。1, Then biblical mourning results in happiness. 圣经说的哀恸带来喜乐The word “blessed” means “happy” “blessed”这个词,意思是 快乐, in English versions英文圣经版本很多, there are two ways to translate this ver...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:30:05  

... for what you have done wrong.恶有恶报。But is it a biblical view? 但圣经是怎么说的呢?Remember what Jesus has said in John 9, 还记不记得耶稣在《约翰福音》9章,When the disciples saw the blind and asked Jesus: 当门徒看见一个瞎子,就问耶稣:“Rabbi...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:24:42  

... bible there are many conditional promises of God? 你有没有发现,在圣经有许多带条件的应许?In the Bible, you can find many places, God says, 在圣经很多地方,神说:“If you do this and this,I will do that and that,”如果你这样这样做,我就会那样...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:28:07  
