...ny of us have this fear issue? 有谁有这样惧怕的?In the bible, 在圣经中,we see the Israelites whether
at the Red Sea, 我们看到以色列人无论是在红海边,or in the
wilderness, 还是在旷野中,they were terrified, 他们都充满惧怕,and doubted God’s provi...
God knows your name! 神知道你的名。The
bible says that 圣经这么说In
Exo 出33:17b.
God said to Moses, . 耶和华对摩西说:“I
know you by name “……我按你的名认识你。” Jesus said, “He calls his own sheep by name他按着...
In the bible, 在圣经中,we see that it is faith that made
Jesus marvel, 我们看见是信心使耶稣希奇,then, He did exactly what people had asked for. 然后祂就成全了那人的所求。We also want this, don’t we?我...
...为你设定的目标? From the whole bible
we can see我们看到整本圣经里, that enemies are created for God’s
chosen people to promote them仇敌是为提升神选民所预备的. Without their enemies
they can’t reach their destiny没有仇敌就不能达成命定. Joseph wou...
...ms. 管辖所有疆界。In the NT, we see the bible describes this, 新约圣经里这样描述神的权柄,“whenever
the evil spirits saw him, they fell down before him and cried
out, “You are the Son of God.” 污鬼无论何时看见他,就俯伏在他面前,喊着说:...
...rom Prophet Isaiah referring to the Promised Messiah. 这是先知以赛亚预言了弥赛亚的话。When
the Messiah came, 当弥赛亚来到,he would be the light and salvation for
the Gentiles. 他要成为外邦人的光,并施行救恩。 This prophecy applied to Jesus after h...
of the woman would be a serpent-crushing Savior for the world. 神就预言有位女人的后裔要成为击碎蛇头的救主。In 1 John 约一3:8
says, the reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work. “神的儿子显现出来,为要除灭魔鬼的作为。...
... showing His power to confirm His prophesy现在神正用大能显明祂的预言. God’s will is irresistible上帝的旨意不可阻挡! Pray according to His will, you
will receive 照神的旨意祷告,就能得着! Pro 28:13(箴28:13), he who conceals his sins does not prosp...
...3-27。I was blown away by reading v. 16 in English, 24章16节的英文版圣经让我印象深刻,it
says that they were kept from recognizing him. 它说“这两个门徒被阻止不能认出耶稣”。But in Mandarin, 但在中文里告诉我们,we are told that they couldn’...