... about John the Baptist that he had the spirit of Elijah (Luke 1:17).就像圣经中提到的施洗约翰一样,他有以利亚的灵(路1:17)。 And in the same way, “sexual immorality” can also refer to being unfaithful to God. 同样,“行奸淫”也指对神...
...a glimpse of what a table means in the bible. 让我们看看其他的圣经经文,关于摆设筵席的意义。In Isa 赛65:11, “But as for you who forsake the Lord, and forget my holy mountain, who spread a table for Fortune, and fill bowls of mixed wine for Desti...
...们从关注自己中提升到祂的得胜中。今天,我们再来分享圣经另一个赞美神的奇妙事件。In Acts
16, After Paul the apostle cast out evil spirits from a girl who had
followed them shouting, the owners of the girl realized that their hope of
making money was gone, so th...