...nd learnt that blessings and curses
are quite real in the bible. 认识到圣经中所提到的祝福和诅咒是全然真实。Some say 有人说: “We’re under the new covenant, “我们在新约之下,and we have Jesus who died and was
cursed on the cross for our sins, 耶稣...
...teful attitude in many places
in the bible, 他给我们做了榜样,在圣经中许多地方,我们可以看到他如何地感恩,John 11:41: “they took away
the stone. And Jesus lifted up his eyes and said, ‘Father,
I thank you that you have heard me.’” then Jesus ...
...需要有西瓜那么大的信心吗?What does the bible say about it? 圣经怎么说?Today, let's read Luke
路17:5 to see what Jesus says about how to increase our faith.今天,让我们来读路17:5,看看耶稣说怎样提升我们的信心。5 The apostles
said to the Lord, “...
...大,and abide in Jesus.
In the bible, we
see, 圣经说,to enter the Canaan land, 若要进入迦南美地,to step into the
second level of faith, 若要迈进下一个级别的信,we must have the
faith to cross the Jordan River 先要有过约旦河的信。Let...
...ing ourselves. 意味着谦卑自己。When we read the bible, 当我们读圣经时,we praise Him, 我们赞美祂,we appreciate what He has done for
us, 感谢祂为我们所做的一切,and we say, 说:“Lord, I’m naked, “主啊,我是赤身露体的,whatever I think...
...f scriptures and just have knowledge in
the head, 不是那些读过很多圣经,头脑里有一大堆知识的,and show to others that
we know something, 在人前去炫耀自己知道点什么, yet still seeking
praise from men, 却还在求人的荣耀的人。but those who practice
...dquo; appears in the Bible
approximately: “智慧”这个词在圣经中大约出现过:222 times in the KJV and 231 times in the
NIV. KJV中222次,在NIV中231次。So why does James, right after discussing
testing immediately encourages believers to ask God for wisdom. 那么,...
The NT says, 新约圣经说,our body is a temple of God (1 Cor 6:19). 我们的身体是神的殿(林前6:19)。It’s like having the outer court, 就好像身体里有“外院”, the holy place, 有“圣所” and th...
In another place, 在圣经另一处,Jesus
teaches us to seek first His kingdom. 耶稣教导我们先求神的国,He
is calling us to change our priorities. 祂在呼召我们改变首要次序。 What
is your priority? ...
the bible, Zion can refer to the city of Jerusalem, 锡安在圣经中指的是耶路撒冷城,or
the dwelling place of God. 或指神居住的地方。 Mount
Zion is the place where Yahweh, the God of Israel, dwells锡安山是耶和华、以色列的神居住的地方(Isa...