...和华赐平安。” The bible tells us that the Lord is our Peace. 圣经告诉我们,主是我们的平安。But nobody told Gideon that the Lord was
Peace, 但是没有人告诉基甸耶和华是平安。Gideon had been filled with fear and other unsettled thoughts, 基甸原本是又惧...
...兄弟的妻子而把兄弟关进监狱是不合理的。The bible says, 圣经说, “the king was
exceedingly sorry; yet, because of the oaths and because of those who sat with
him, he did not want to refuse her. 王就甚忧愁,但因他所起的誓,又因同席的人,就不肯推...
...n their hearts although their didn’t have a bible. 虽然他们没有圣经,他们却有神的命令在心中。Faith cannot be proved genuine unless it is tested by trials (fire)
(1 Peter 1:7).信心若不经过火的试验,就不能证明是真的(彼前1:7)。 The story goes on Da...
...squo;s words,转向神的话语, pick up your bible and
read拿起你的圣经来读, and ask Him to speak
to you, 求神借此向你说话and direct you with
His words用祂的话指示你。Let the waves in your
heart calm down! 使你心中的巨浪止息!Let the peace of Christ
rule in ...
bible shows us that what Zacchaeus did pleases God. 这就是为什么圣经告诉我们撒该蒙神喜悦的原因。Without faith没有信, it’s impossible to
please God人不能讨神的喜悦。“seeking first his Kingdom and his
righteousness, and all other things will be give...
...ldren should be obedient
and listen to their parents. haha.” “圣经说,儿女要顺服父母,听父母的,呵呵。“
Now it has become our family culture, 现在这已经是我家里的文化了,we say “thank you” to one another for small
things every day....
...hat the
baby Jesus was hunted down as soon as he was born?“为什么圣经记载耶稣一出生就被追杀?Why was Jesus led
by the Holy Spirit to be tempted in the wilderness before his ministry? 为什么耶稣在开始事工前被圣灵带到旷野受试探?Why did Jesus come
to cas...
... Lord! 赞美主!Reading the
Bible is absolutely not a boring thing, 读圣经绝对不会闷,Because His words
are alive, 因祂的话是活的,Jesus is alive.耶稣活着。Seek God diligently, He will be found. 殷勤寻求神,就必寻见。Our Heavenly Father is faithful. 因我们的...
...;s God’s grace那是神的恩典!” But the bible teaches
us但圣经告诉我们, “It is more blessed
to give than to receive施比受更为有福. Acts 20:35(徒20:35)” In 2 Cor 8在《林后》8章, Paul the apostle taught the church
of the Corinthians this使徒保...
the beginning, as the Bible has already told us, 圣经一开始就说,the devil was crafty, 魔鬼很狡猾,and enticed Adam
and Eve into the temptation, 试探亚当和夏娃,where they ate the
fruit, 吃下果子,so sin and death through one man entered
the wor...