... was a man of prayer因为神的儿子是一个祷告的人. The bible says圣经说, when Jesus was baptized当耶稣受洗时, “and as he was praying, heaven was opened当他正祷告的时候,天就开了…Luke路 3:21, What does it mean这是什么意思? About 700 years ...
...house of the Lord”, and his “temple”, refer to us. 新约圣经里“神的殿” 是指我们。We are the temple of God 我们是神的殿,where God’s Spirit
dwells in us (1 Cor 3:16). 神的灵住在我们里面(林前3:16)。So to dwell in the house of
the Lor...
...么我们还要向神求日用饮食?We see in the bible我们看见在圣经里 the disciples had to rely on God for their daily supplies through prayer, 因此门徒就必须为神每天的供应来祷告,because Jesus called them to laid down their careers to follow Him因为耶稣...
...o that we may less trust in ourselves and
more trust in God’s word. 圣经告诉我们,你们总要自己省察有信心没有,也要自己试验林后2:13上。这有助于我们认识自己,并认识神的工作,从而转向更少信自己,更多信靠神。For the
purpose of str...
...所充满的,口里就说出来. Matt 12:34b,
TLB(太12:34下,当代圣经)” To tame the tongue we must tame the heart制伏舌头,必须先制伏心. James recognizes the depth of our sins雅各认识到我们人的罪之深, and the pollution of our hearts人心里的污秽满盈,...
... of light? 我们如何行事为人才像光明之子呢?The bible says, 圣经说13
But everything
by the
light becomes
that is
a light.
凡事受了責備,就被光顯明出來,因為一切能顯明的就是光。We are taug...
With regard to doing good, the bible says, 至于做善事,圣经这样说,“the
law is holy, the commandment is holy, righteous and good. Romans 7:12”律法是圣洁的,诫命也是圣洁、公义、良善的。 (罗马书 7:12) “the law is spiritual; but I am ...
...p;…” You’re not told
to trust people but trust God! 但圣经没有教导你信靠人,而是信靠神!Blessing comes when
we refuse to react to people 祝福来是因你拒绝对人起反应,but response to God’s
commands. 而是去回应神命令。At the beginning...
...y Father
Jesus is!何等圣洁耶稣!We can see
many times in the bible, 圣经里有很多地方,how people reacted, when they
encountered His manifest presence.都记载了人一见主面的反应。Abraham
fell facedown (Gen 17:3) 亚伯拉罕俯伏在地。(创世纪17:3),All of Is...
...落。The Bible says, there is no fear in love, Love is not self-seeking.圣经说,爱里没有惧怕,爱是不求自己的益处。Putting God first, even taking a risk, can break the yoke of being
imprisoned by fear.就算冒险,把神放第一位,惧怕的捆索就会松脱。Showing