...,the bible tells us that Noah found favour in the eyes of God (Gen 6:8).圣经告诉我们,唯有挪亚在耶和华面前蒙恩(创6:8)。 Then what happened to Noah? 在挪亚身上发生了什么事?God personally instructed
Noah to build an ark, 神亲自指示挪亚造方...
...工,我自然就成圣了。” Is that what the bible says? 这是圣经说的吗?1, Is grace a license to sin? 恩典是罪的许可证吗?Because of the wrong belief that sanctification is an automatic work by Jesus,
由于错误地认为成圣是自动的工作,after receiving
...给祂。 There is a man of God called Samson in the bible,在圣经里有个叫参孙的拿细耳人,he made his life messy because of the desires of his heart were messy, 他顺从心里的私欲,把自己的生活搞得一团糟,he fell into the temptation of lust.他陷在情欲...
...管你的钱囊吗? Absolutely not绝不会! But the bible clearly says但圣经清楚地说, that Judas
Iscariot was a thief加略人犹大是个贼, as the keeper of the money
bag带着钱囊, he used to take what was put in常取其中所存的 (see John 12:6-7,见(约)12:6-7). See看到...
the bible, why did the teachers of the law judge Jesus? 在圣经中,为什么律法师要论断耶稣?They
judged Jesus to be the prince of demons driving out demons. 他们论断耶稣是鬼王赶鬼,They
judged Jesus to be speaking blasphemy. 他们论断耶稣说了亵渎...
...use of a bible story that was passed down to Abraham, 不是因为他听了圣经里的故事,but through walking
in relationship
with God and his growth in the knowledge of God, 是因为他建立与神关系亲密,和他在认识神做事的法则上成长,his faith was growing. 他的信...
following our Thursday bible study. 他们仍在参加我们周四的圣经学习。How exciting! 多么令人兴奋! We serve a wonderful God who does exciting
things! 我们侍奉的是一位奇妙的神,祂充满精彩!They’re not old
people, 他们不是老人,they’re y...
...ays, no one can meet God’s holy standards with their own good deeds. 圣经说,没有人能以自己的善行达到神圣洁的标准。It’s by grace, through faith, that we
can be born again and enter God’s Kingdom. 救恩本乎恩,因着信,我们可以重生,进入神...
...g the
bible to
His believers?
if it
was only
that simple,
is the
point of
a born-again
Christian seeking
maturity and
wholeness in
Christ? 为什么重生的基督徒还要追求“长...
know why? 知道为什么吗? Because the bible tells us 因为圣经告诉我们,that
it is the Spirit of God which gives us rest. 是神的灵使我们得安息。
“they were given rest by the Spirit of God. Isa 63:14”,