...标而活What’s the general purpose for us to live for in the Bible? 圣经对我们该怎样活着的普遍目标是怎么说的? Here are some powerful bible verses这里有些极有力的经文, that we can practice to live for it可以用来操练: 1 Corinthians 8:6(林前8:6) yet for ...
...。 But this is
totally not what the bible refers here.
但这不是圣经里所说的“收养”。“ The word ‘adoption’ is translated from the Greek word,
“Huiothesia”. 收养”这个词来自希腊字“Huithesia”,It consists of two
...些什么?The bible tells us, that instead of the promise coming true, 圣经记载,不仅作王的应许没有兑现,he was chased by king Saul in the wilderness for more than 10
years. 大卫还被扫罗王在旷野追杀了十多年。One story about
David in the wilderness is that he esc...
... the bible that God calls ‘a man after His own heart’. 在圣经中他是唯一被神称为“合神心意的人”。A leader after God’s own heart. 一个合神心意的领袖。 David’s intimate personal relationship with God enabled him to bri...
...上走下去. Let’s look at today’s bible
verses我们来读圣经:Matt 6: 5-8(太6:5-8), “And when you
pray你们祷告的时候, do not be like
the hypocrites不可像那假冒为善的人, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on
the street corners to ...
...的,even though it contradicts Scripture,” 尽管他们说的违背圣经”,then we’ll become unstable in faith. 我们的信就会摇动。If we pray with this wavering heart, 若我们带着这样的心去祷告神,we should not expect to receive anything from Him 就不要...
...。The Bible is full of stories of believers whose faith was
tested. 圣经里有很多信心被试验的故事。 Abraham waited 25 years for God's promise of a son. 亚伯拉罕等了25年,才得到神应许的儿子。 Then, when God asked him to sacrifice his
son, 然后,当神要求...
In the bible, the word “heart” is frequently
mentioned. 在圣经中,“心”这个词常被提到。Do you know how many times? 你知道有多少次吗?826 times in the KJV version. 在KJV版本中,共提到了826次。Why is the heart so important? 为什么心如此...
...指示。 Nowadays the writing of the
bible has been accomplished, 如今圣经的写作已经完成了,so
the function of a vision is not to finish the Bible, 所以,异象的功用不再是为完成写圣经,but
to make His will and His instruction clear to us.而是为向我们显明祂...
...he bible tells us that she had been subject to bleeding
for twelve years, 圣经里告诉我们她被血漏折磨了十二年,but no one could heal her.没人可以医治她 (Luke 8:43). (路加福音第8章43节)。A bleeding woman in the OT was
considered unclean. 旧约中流血的女人...