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...m the curse of sin and death. 谢谢你倾倒你自己来救我脱离罪的咒诅和死亡。I‘ve already have eternal life我有了永生,therefore You call me to go, go into the world, 因此你呼召我去,去到这世界,go into my family去到我家中, go into where I’m call...
发表于 2023-07-31 00:28:37  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:54%] [54%]2019-08-20 Old vs New 旧的和新的比喻
...你们的仇敌! “Bless those who curse you”. “咒诅你们的,要为他祝福!”The old self says,老旧人会说 “why? No way”! “为什么?决不!”“believe in me”! “要信我”! the old self says,老旧...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:48:02  

...ed to me that it's a generational issue. 神向我启示这是一个累代咒诅问题。So, I guided her in a prayer of repentance and forgiveness 于是,我带她做了悔改和饶恕的祷告, and broke the power of shame and judgement that caused her to pass down the negative impact onto he...
发表于 2024-04-14 23:45:03  

...erson who is of the darkness is under a curse因我相信属黑暗的人在咒诅之下. But for God’s people who are seeking His kingdom and His righteousness但对于先求神的国神的义的神子民, even though they may have cancer or leukemia or other deadly diseases就算得了癌症...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:33:58  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:54%] [54%]2021-03-14 Live by Faith 凭信而活(3)
...,顺服神,the family received blessing not cursing, 全家非但没受咒诅,还得了祝福, even though the husband made mistake. 尽管丈夫的确犯了错. Obedience opens the door to God’s blessings. 顺服却带下了祝福。 Our brother Calvin will give us his recent t...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:04:53  

...了罪和死亡的权势,and broke every chain of curses. 打破了每个咒诅的锁链。So don’t assume that you can carry God’s power to set people free that it won’t cost you anything. 所以,不要以为你可以不付出任何代价就拥有神的大能,使人得自...
发表于 2023-04-23 22:53:53  

...9 他39岁走了and didn’t escape his family curse没有逃脱家族咒诅, where none of the men lived past the age of 40.在他家里男丁 都是40岁之前死的。Now it seemed as if the bad luck had been inflicted onto their daughter. 现在好像厄运临到了他们的女儿During m...
发表于 2024-02-11 17:37:15  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:54%] [54%]2023-02-19 Gratitude 感恩 (1)
...的话吗? You should complain and curse God, 你应该对神说抱怨和咒诅的话,and choose to die.” 然后去死吧。”But Job said, 但是约伯说: “don’t be like a foolish woman, “不要像愚顽的妇人一样,God is the only reason we give thanks, 神是...
发表于 2023-02-19 17:42:06  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:53%] [53%]2023-03-12 Gratitude (2)
...rses came back to them again. 患难、压制、忧伤、沮丧、家族的咒诅又再次追赶上他们。Self-centredness only leads us into bondage. 自我中心只会使我们被捆绑,But gratitude leads us into abundance and joy.但感恩引导我们得丰盛喜乐。 2, Practice thankfu...
发表于 2023-03-12 17:57:49  

... those who persecute you为逼迫你的祷告, bless those who curse you为咒诅你们的祝福. Love those who hate you恨你们的人要爱他们. You will experience abundant comfort through sharing in the suffering of Christ就可以借着与基督一同受苦,而经历丰盛的安慰! And ...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:33:05  
