...ive万物是藉着他有的,我们也是藉着他有的. Re 4:11(启示录4:11下) For You created all things因为你创造了万物, and by Your will they were created and have their being并且万物是因你的旨意被创造而有的. In other words换言之, there is one God in
...,圣哉,(主神是)昔在、今在、以后永在的全能者。(启示录4:8下) Re
1:5b-17 To Him who loves us When
I saw Him, I fell at His feet as though dead.(启示录1:5下-17)祂爱我们, 我一看见,就仆倒在他脚前,像死了一样。Can you see
here? 看见吗...
...not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire. 在启示录15:20也记载了“若有人名字没记在生命册上,他就被扔在火湖里。”The
lake of fire is also known as the second death.
这火湖就是第二次的死。 Re 21:8 But the cowardly, the
...不停息. Let’s see this from the book of revelation我们来看《启示录》12:7-11节, 12:7-11 7 And there
was war in heaven在天上就有了争战, Michael and his angels waging war with the dragon米迦勒同他的使者与龙争战. The dragon
and his angels waged war龙也同它的...
According to Revelation 20:4-6, 根据启示录20:4-6, we see there’ll be two
resurrections. 我们看到将会有两次复活。They’re separated by 1000 years. 两次复活相隔一千年。The
first resurrection occurs before Jes...
in the Book of Revelation, 甚至在《启示录》中,there was a golden altar before the
throne in heaven 在天上的宝座前也有一个金色祭坛 (Rev 启8:3)。
So altars are places of encountering
God, 所以祭坛是遇见神的地方,places of...
...门, which is just as it is
written in the book of Revelation 21. 正如启示录21章所写的。He was welcomed to enter through the first two doors, 他被欢迎进入前两道门,because an Angel of God announced that his name was in the first two books.
因为有神的天使说 前两本...
...主一同掌权为赏赐,we see this in the book of Revelation这是启示录说的, when the new heaven and the new earth comes (Rev启 21:1-3, 22:4-5, 3:12).当新天新地来到时。 Now, let’s look at (Matt太19:27-30) Peter answered him, “We have left everything to...
...跟随者,愿意顺服至死的,神也将生命的冠冕赐给他们【启示录2:10下】。What an incredible and wonderful promise that the
almighty God made for man! 神给人的是多么不可思议又奇异的应许!We were born to have
dominion over such material things, instead of be...
...and in the four gospels, 所以我鼓励你自己去查考 神在启示录和四本福音书里对得胜者的应许,so that you may receive faith from your
reading and meditating on His Word. 这样你就可以从读祂的话,并从默想祂的话中得信心。
Jesus w...