...治,这话清楚的说是因祂的鞭伤得医治,然后,25节继续解释这伤口的原因是背道,但借着祂的鞭伤,我们被拯救归于耶稣。Although we can
be healed physically in some cases, we still are not promised permanent physical
healing by the atonement in this life...
...nd Luke 路8:37 gives more of an
explanation, 路加福音8:37给了更多解释, “Then
all the people of the region of the Gerasenes asked Jesus to leave them, because
they were overcome with fear. So he got into the boat and left. 37 格拉森四围的人,因为害怕得很,都...
...ctionary explains Lust
in this way “lust”在剑桥词典里的解释是: a very strong sexual
desire强烈的性欲. Is “desire” a sin欲望是罪吗? When Jesus came主耶稣来到地上, he also had the
desire to eat他也有想吃的欲望, talk and sleep想说、想睡...
does the bible explain the name of Jesus? 圣经中怎样解释耶稣的名?Matthew 1: 21 And she shall bring forth a son, 太1:21,他将要生一个儿子,and thou shalt call his name
Jesus: 你要给他起名叫耶稣:for he shall save his people from
their sins. 因他...
...国的邪恶力量。Right after that, 在那之后,in Rev 20, 启示录20章, it comes the greatest season on earth, 全地最伟大的时期将要来到,the year of the true Jubilee 就是真禧年——the Millennial Kingdom of Christ reigning on earth. ...
...赏。If you read the book of Revelation carefully, 如果仔细去读《启示录》, you’ll discover all the rewards of the promise of sonship are
linked to overcoming sons. 你会发现所有应许给儿子的奖赏,都和得胜的儿子有关。Revelation 21:7 He who overcomes
will i...
...们里面 To further explain these two types of wisdom, 为进一步解释这两种智慧,worldly wisdom vs godly wisdom, 属世的智慧和属神的智慧,James
gives us a contrast in James 3:13 -18. 雅各书3章13-18讲到两者的对比:who is wise and understanding
among you? Let t...
...en aback. 理解界限的教训Understanding the Lesson on Boundaries Jane 解释说晚餐是为那些付出代价的志愿者准备的,Jane explained that the dinner was prepared
for volunteers who had contributed, 这不是为所有人开放的 。not an open meal for everyone. 若有剩下的...
...nbsp;to explain these strongholds 于是,保罗继续解释了坚固营垒。 in v.5, arguments (niv), (imaginations, kjv), pretension (niv) pride(ESV), high things that exalts itself, 在第5节中,...
...e book of revelation 6 through dreams, 神藉着几个异梦向我开启了启示录6章,and clearly I was shown that the
first five seals had been already opened, 并清清楚楚地让我看到头五印已经揭开了The fifth seal tells us that more people will be martyred
in the last days (v....