...ibulation. 和在大灾难期间的殉道者并忠心的圣徒Re 20:4b-5(启示录 20:4下-5)“And I saw the souls of those who had been
beheaded (martyrs) because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the
word of God. 我又看见……为 神之道被斩者的灵魂...
in His second coming with its Capital City the new Jerusalem就如《启示录》预言祂带着圣城新耶路撒冷第二次来临, which was as a reward for those
overcomers 这是给得胜者的奖赏who overcame temptation, sin and
the devil by doing God’s will 他们遵行神的...
John 约 16:8 explains that sin deceives us into thinking, 解释说,罪会迷惑我们,让我们自以为义,“I’m right. “我是对的。I
don’t need to change. 我不需要改变。Someone needs to change, not me.” 他需要被改变, 不是我...
...midated by Jezebel. 却被耶洗别吓到了。In the book of
Revelation, 启示录记着,in the last days, 在末后的日子,Jesus told his church to not tolerate that woman Jezebel 耶稣告诫教会不要容忍那叫耶洗别的妇人
(Re 启2:20)。But actually, 但实际上,the person ...
...”, our Lord Jesus gives the reason “why”然后向我们解释为什么, which is because the way of following Christ which leads to His glorious
life is narrow是因为通向祂荣耀生命之路是窄路. Jesus Christ
demonstrates this narrow way by obedience to the Father&rsquo...
...下他的一切为神赎回我们。 Revelation 5:9-10,12
tells us,启示录5:9-10 “because
you (Jesus)
were slain,
and with
your blood
you purchased
for God,
from every
tribe and
and people
and nation. 因
...e explanations about what rocky ground looks like. 耶稣进一步向我们解释石头地是怎样的。In v.5-6, there appears three times the word “not”.
在第5-6节,出现了三次 "不 "字。“They did not
have much soil. "他们的土不多,They did not have deep earth...
... Matt 24:1-14 and Revelation 6. 今天,我们来看马太福音24:1-14和启示录6章中耶稣所说关于末世征兆的预言。 May we get a clue of where we are in the biblical timeline of
man’s history, 盼望从圣经的人类历史时间表里,找到我们所处的位置,and get...
... revealed in
the book of Revelation (see Re 19:7, 21:2, 9, 22:17) 在启示录中已充分展现了这信仰是最亲密的委身和爱的关系(参考启 19章7 节,21章第2,9节,22章17节)In
the OT, 在旧约中,God proclaims who He is to Israel in
Isa 54:5, 上...
...,没有律法禁止。1, The explanation
of the passage. 这段经文的解释When you read it
carefully, 如果仔细地读,you’ll find that it gives us three contrasting pictures: 你会发现这段经文给了我们三组对照:A, gratifying the
flesh or living by the Spirit (v.16)...