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...as the Messiah (v.26), and the living water. 耶稣向社会最底层的人启示他是弥赛亚,是生命的活水。Why did Jesus meet her at the well? 耶稣为什么要在井边遇见她?Our God is a God of purpose. 我们的上帝是一位有目的上帝,He does everything for a purpose. ...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:12:36  

...主耶稣所说。This was a painful revelation—这是一个痛苦的启示——Peter realised he wasn’t as strong as he thought. 彼得意识到他并不像自己想的那么强。He wept bitterly.他痛哭了 (Luke 路22:62)。How many of us experienced this just as Peter di...
发表于 2025-02-16 23:02:26  

...神的医治,or give you revelation to strengthen you. 或者祂赐下启示来加添你的力量。 Even when your body is unwell, 即使身体软弱,you can remain strong in spirit. 你的灵里仍可以刚强。 7, God promises to recover you from your weakness (v.3b). 神应许恢复你...
发表于 2025-02-02 23:15:12  

...ch by the leading of the Holy Spirit, 我们正在被圣灵带领走在这启示里,although there is a long process of preparing our lives to be like instruments of righteousness, 尽管在我们的生命要经过很长的阶段来预备才能成为义的器皿,we have already seen some fruit...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:48:31  

... prayers, 有一次,在我祷告时,I heard this, 我得到了这样的启示:“I’ll bring you resources even outside of the church.”  “我会带给你教会外的资源。”So far, 到目前为止,we’ve got seven teacher helpers who are not from our ...
发表于 2024-06-23 18:47:44  

...eveal God’s strategy for overcoming in spiritual warfare并让圣灵启示打赢属灵争战的策略,which can lead to failures in spiritual battles. 这会导致在属灵争战中的失败. This results in spiritual blindness and dryness among individuals, 其结果是导致属灵的眼...
发表于 2024-09-22 17:28:40  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:11%] [11%]2019-07-28 Pigs or People 要猪还是要人
...。It reveals that Satan has no power except for what God allows him. 这启示了 若没有得神的许可,撒旦对我们没有能力。Demons obey Jesus’ commands, 鬼听从耶稣的命令。for Psa 119:91b says, ‘for all things serve you’. 因为诗篇119:91下说“...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:47:17  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:11%] [11%]2017-11-26 The Beatitudes 天国八福之四
..., Jesus reveals the truth that we can be satisfied in this life 主耶稣启示了一个真理,我们今生就可以心满意足, when we hunger and thirst for righteousness 只要 饥渴慕义! Now a question comes up 那么,问题就来了:1, What does Righteousness mean? 什么是义?I b...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:30:27  

... in this bible passage. 感谢你向我们清晰地释放了你的呼召和启示。Yes, “don’t worry, 是的,"不要忧虑,but first seek His Kingdom and His righteousness, 只要先求他的国和他的义,and all these things will be given to us”. 这些东西就都赐给...
发表于 2024-03-10 16:30:21  

...o;s because of the voice of God I had heard 我告诉她,因为收到神的启示 I therefore didn’t reply any other agents’ messages我就不再回其他中介的信息了although they really wanna introduce us some other buyers.尽管他们都想介绍买家给我们but God had chos...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:49:18  
