...蒙垂听.”God wants us to delight in His
presence神愿意我们享受祂的同在! He wants to give us freedom
not legalism! 他想要给我们自由,而不是律法主义的捆绑! where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom主的灵在哪里,哪里就得以自由, But how can y...
...sp;在2025的开头,who wants to receive God’s blessings? 谁想领受神的赐福?Yes! 是的!All of us 所有人。God’s word is powerful! 神的话是有大能的。Today, we’re gonna read
Psa 41:1-3, which contains hidden blessings. 今天我们要一起来读诗 41:1-3...
...爱主”,means that we are designed for a bond, 意味着我们的受造是为建立亲密关系,forming a loving connection with God, the
Source of life. 建立与生命之源的神爱的连结, and a healthy
connection with people. 并与人有良好的关系。But ever since Adam&rsq...
...” “如果上帝真的爱我,他为什么要让我生命中承受这么多的痛苦?” We always hear these
sorts of questions around us from the society we live in. 我们总是从周遭的人群里听到这样的问题。Where do we find the right answer,
so that we aren&rsqu...
... 13:11:还有末了的话:愿弟兄们都喜乐。要作完全人;要受安慰;要同心合意;要彼此和睦。如此,仁爱和平的 神必常与你们同在。
Four elements are involved: 这里包含了四个要素:A, be perfect, 要作完全人, be of good comfort要受安慰 ...
.... In the same
way同样,if we want to inherit the
kingdom of God要承受神的国, we must
check the rules of the kingdom of God我们必须对照神国度的法则, to learn how we can fit the requirements去知道怎样符合祂的要求. For this reason, in the sermon of the mount 为此,...
...还知道怎样引诱我们去不顺服, so that we suffer loss叫我们遭受损失. So the following
is from Deuteronomy 28: 15-68下面抄录的是(申命记28:15-68)中记录的, “family curses for disobedience悖逆的后果”, which goes out over the face of the whole earth就...
...就是噩梦般的经历。 But I
realised something, 但我领受到一些事,“if my body gets exhausted, 如果我的身体疲惫又需要食物,and it wants a rest
and food, 就需要给它休息和食物but I ignore and grieve it若我不理它 使它感受忧伤...
...? Mark可16:16-18,whoever believes
and is baptized will be saved, 信而受洗的必然得救,but whoever does
not believe will be condemned. 不信的必被定罪。17 And these
signs will accompany those who believe: 17信的人必有神迹随着他们,In my name they will drive out demon...
...一些圣经学者相信大卫这里的意思是,人是照着神的形象受造,就比神微小一点。Verse 5 is quoted by
the book of Hebrews in Hebrew 2:9, But we do see Jesus, who was made a
little lower than the angels, now crowned with glory and honor because he
suffered death, so that...