...ll us to stand before him to be judged, 祂会召我们站在祂面前受审判,because he wants to reward His faithful servants. 因为祂要奖赏那忠心的仆人。The one who got five talents earned five more. 领了五千的又另外赚了五千。The one with two talents gai...
...er the next 20 minutes….接下来的20分钟里,你们要暂时忍受我的中式口音了。Let’s read the passage first. 让我们先来阅读经文。James 3:1-12(雅3:1-12), My friends我的弟兄们, not many of you should become teachers不要多人做师傅. As you know, we...
...promises us a trouble-free life when we accept Him as our saviour.我们接受耶稣为救主时,耶稣从未应许我们会没有困难。 But He said, “In this world you will have
trouble, in Me you may have peace. 但祂又说,“在世上,你们有苦难;在我里面有平安...
...,since they had received Jesus as their
personal saviour,既然已经接受了耶稣作他们个人的救主,they had already achieved spiritual resurrection. 他们就已经得着了属灵的复活。Because of their misunderstanding
of the promise of a future bodily resurrection, 因...
...的人;差遣我报告:被掳的得释放,瞎眼的得看见,叫那受压制的得自由。Matt 太12:28, But if I drive out demons by the Spirit of God,
then the kingdom of God has come upon you. 我若靠着 神的灵赶鬼,这就是 神的国临到你们了。1,Who is the Holy Sp...
...ousness will be peace, (in the time when
Jesus was suffering当主耶稣受苦时, he still stayed in peace and forgiveness他仍然是平安和饶恕,)and the effect of
righteousness, quietness and assurance forever. Isaiah 32:17公义的果效必是平安,公义的效验必是平稳。(...
...o;Lord, I reject the feeling of
rejection主啊,我拒绝被拒绝的感受…those who curse me, I bless them
in Jesus name咒诅我的,我奉主名祝福他…no one is perfect没有人是完美的, I turn to You, please fill me with the power of Your love and
the Holy Spirit 我...
...代。They were under
constant attack from outside enemies. 他们不断受到外来敌人的攻击。They
lost their temple, their land and their direction.他们失去了圣殿,失去了土地,也失去了方向。 They just didn’t know what was going to happen to them next,他们不...
...ine birth of Jesus involves more disgrace than glory. 耶稣神圣的诞生受羞辱多过荣耀 V.18 tells
us that Mary was pregnant as a virgin. 第18节告诉我们,马利亚还是处女就怀了孕。The conception of a virgin was absolutely a miracle.