...eing angered easily. 因我实在不愿让自己易怒的旧性情继续去伤害耶稣。“I’ve done my best, but I failed, 我尽力做好,可还是失败了,how can I overcome, and live a life of righteousness? 我怎能胜过、活出义的生命呢?” I asked Him in my hea...
...pirits began to oppress people,邪灵开始辖制人,sorrows, 忧伤hurt,伤害,violence,暴力,sickness, 疾病,separation, 隔阂,and death entered the world,和死亡就进了世界,making our lives messy.把我们的生活搅得一团糟。But the love of God never gives up rescuing ...
...of the heart and the
bitterness of sin.” 是为要医治人心里的伤害和罪的苦。” Turn to Jesus and take up your cross, 转向耶稣,背起自己的十字架, don’t allow the mentality of slavery to rule
in you again, 不要再让奴仆的心态继续在你心...
...中一个和其他人斗, telling lies to hurt
each other说谎话彼此伤害, and abusing each other in many
ways各种各样的互相虐待, because resentment causes people
to walk around in darkness因仇恨使人行在黑暗中, and they don’t know
where they are going人就不知道...
...l wronged or hurt.我们并不是与人相争,当我们觉得委屈或被伤害。We are to fight against all the following desires
that cause
us to stumble.我们是与一切叫我们跌倒的自己里面的情欲相争。19
The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality (all sexual sins...
...否还被拒绝感、靠自己、惧怕、不饶恕 或任何未处理的伤害所占据?”
You can ask the
Lord, “Save me Lord! 你可以呼求主说:“主啊,救我!Holy Spirit, 圣灵啊,release Your resurrection power into my
heart. 将你复活的大能释放到我心...
...ur hearts, 圣灵想要来显明我们内心隐藏的,the
wounds, 那些伤害、the unforgiveness, 不饶恕、the
lies, 谎言、or the thoughts意念思想、which
make walls that hinders us from connecting to God, 所建立的墙使我们不能与神连结He
wants us to bring them to the c...
...或恼怒。Inner anger and wounds cause burdens to
us. 内心的恼怒和伤害会让我们感到重压。You
know why? 知道为什么吗? Because the bible tells us 因为圣经告诉我们,that
it is the Spirit of God which gives us rest. 是神的灵使我们得安息。
“they ...
...ain, 里面要是有心痛,forgive the
people who hurt you, 就去饶恕伤害你的人, and you’ll be forgiven.你就得赦免。 When you’re forgiven, 你被赦免了,you’re free. 就得了释放。He who is forgiven much, loves much. 赦免的多 爱也多The more you
...there are lots of wounds of rejection inside of him他心里饱受被拒绝伤害, but his intentions in that business was to love us and to give his family
a better life可他做那生意,是因他爱我们,想带给我们更好的生活…but he failed because
he listened to the evil on...